Energy Security Academy 2016 - call for applications

We share the opportunity to apply to our partner's PSSI Energy Security Academy.

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Future prospects of Denmark’s participation in Europol following the recent “no” to abolishing the opt-out

Ch. Kvorning Lassen's follow-up blog about the three major obstacles that need to be overcome before a parallel agreement can be a reality, which seems highly unlikely, as he outlined in previous post.

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ČT24: Evaluation of Frederika Mogherini's visit in Prague

Studio ČT24 hosted Michal Vít who commented on the main points the vice president of the European Commission addressed during her visit of the Czech Republic.

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ČRo: The European Commission is planning on monitoring Poland

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Rozhovory, komentáře on which occasion he commented on the planned steps of the European Commission.

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Socialization of CEE Governments in the EU Environment - Who Shapes the Norms?

How current governing political parties consider the level of their socialization on the European political arena? Does the European environment shape their perception of national interests towards the EU or it is the a opposite way? Find out more in paper by Michal Vít.

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Scandinavian domino: Denmark follows Sweden in tightening border controls

Following the announcement of Sweden and Denmark to re-introduce border controls in the light of the refugee crisis, Christian Kvorning Lassen looks at the broader implications of this move and the future of the Schengen area.

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COP21: a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom?

The COP21 climate conference in Paris has finished and brought a "historic" agreement. What are its chances to succeed? And what areas were left out of the discussions altogether? Find out in a new blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová.

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French foreign policy has to be reconsidered

In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks, French president Francois Hollande decided to intensify the French military operations to a level politically and financially unbearable in the long term.

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France is fighting on multiple fronts

Martin Michelot writes for Hospodářské noviny about France's military strategy following the terrosist attacks of 13th November. He examines its strenghts and weaknesses.

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Denmark to have a referendum on abolishing its opt-out on JHA issues

This Thursday, on December 3, Denmark will have a referendum on whether to replace Denmark's current opt-out option of the EU's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) with an opt-in model or not.

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