| Head of the European Parliament in Prague. Prime minister Fiala discussed security and farmers' protests with EP President

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, visited the Czech Republic. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, analysed her visit for What does her series of visits to countries of the European Union mean and can it affect participation in the upcoming elections?

Show more | The European Union approves the Migration Pact. Czech Republic abstained

EU Member States reached agreement on a migration pact to improve migration control and speed up the return of failed asylum seekers. The Czech Republic abstained in the vote and Prime Minister Petr Fiala has expressed concern about the proposed changes, which he says increase the administrative burden on states. Senior researcher Vít Havelka spoke to about the issue.

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ČT24 | European leaders on aid to Ukraine

The EU Summit decides in record time on a new financial aid package for Ukraine. What are the implications of this decision and what position does it put Viktor Orbán in? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, explains the situation.

Show more | COMMENTARY: Quartet on the European budget - it is useless, isn't it?

Along with the discussion of the revision of the seven-year budget of the European Union (EU), statements that the budget is too big and unnecessary have once again appeared in the public space. Moreover, the EU is now borrowing to run itself because it is unable to make ends meet. It is worth recalling what the EU budget is for and why it is important to have one, writes Vít Havelka, a researcher at Europeum.

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E15 | The dispute over money for Ukraine is coming to a head. The security of the whole continent is at stake, warns an expert

The presidents and heads of government of the European Union countries will try to secure additional financial and military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros (about 1.2 trillion crowns) at their extraordinary meeting starting on Thursday in Brussels. This has been blocked by Hungary since last December. Vít Havelka, a senior research fellow, answers why this summit could be a turning point.

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Policy Paper | The Strategic Culture of the European Union in the Sahel EU-initiatives in Niger

The Sahel faces interconnected challenges like poverty, food insecurity, conflicts, terrorism, and climate change. Recent military coups indicate ongoing political instability. Europe, concerned for over a decade, recognizes potential threats to its security, leading the European Union to actively address the region's issues through a comprehensive approach. Writes Hanga Horváth-Sántha, Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA).

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Policy Paper | Strategická kultura Evropské unie v Sahelu Iniciativy EU v Nigeru

Sahel se potýká se vzájemně propojenými problémy, jako jsou chudoba, nedostatek potravin, konflikty, terorismus a změna klimatu. Nedávné vojenské převraty naznačují přetrvávající politickou nestabilitu. Evropa, která je znepokojena již více než deset let, si uvědomuje potenciální hrozby pro svou bezpečnost, což vede Evropskou unii k aktivnímu řešení problémů tohoto regionu prostřednictvím komplexního přístupu. Píše Hanga Horváth-Sántha, výzkumná pracovnice Maďarského institutu mezinárodních vztahů (HIIA).

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ČT24 | Twenty years of the Czech Republic in the European Union - From behind the scenes in Brussels

What are the differences in perception between the EU capital and the Czech Republic? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explained how the daily reality in Brussels differs from ours and what the work of a journalist looks like.

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ČT24 | Twenty Years of the Czech Republic in the European Union

According to Prime Minister Petr Fiala, the benefits of EU membership can be seen in many areas of life. The Prime Minister said this at a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the EU. Our executive director Martin Vokálek evaluated two decades of Czech membership in the EU in an interview for ČT24.

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Ekonomický deník | There is a consensus to keep China out of Europe's critical infrastructure

The European Union will step up its efforts to reduce its dependence on China in the future. This was demonstrated by a unanimous vote of MEPs on the risks of growing Chinese influence on Europe's critical infrastructure on Wednesday. Our research fellow Zuzana Krulichová commented on the EU's current economic policy towards China for Ekonomický deník.

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