REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

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EU-Russia Civil Society Forum: What is the Role of Think Tanks in the Public Debate?

On request of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, our research fellow Michal Vít shares the findings from the 2016 EUROPEUM’s Go To Think Tank Index presented earlier this year.

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Debunking the right-wing myths about Sweden

Christian Kvorning Lassen debunks, in his latest blog, right-wing myths about Sweden's criminality as a reaction to Donald Trump's recent statements and in light of some right-wing politicians' claims.

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The Western Balkans on their way to the EU – status quo regardless of refugees

Michal Vít focuses, in his latest policy paper, on the contemporary political and societal context of the Western Balkan region from the perspective of EU enlargement, with focus on the developments during the refugees crisis.

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European economic governance seen from the V4

Our Vladimír Bartovic and Radomír Špok co-authored a series of policy briefs within the framework of the „European economic governance seen from the V4” project, supported by the „Standard Grant” Programme of the International Visegrad Fund.

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ČRo Plus: Analysis of the US Vice President Mike Pence's visit to the EU

Our Director Vladimír Bartovic commented for Czech radio Plus the US Vice President's visit to the EU.

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The Underrated Value of Political Cooperation and Stability

Christian Kvorning Lassen follows up to his previous blog on the future of political culture by comparing the approach of Denmark and the Czech Republic in terms of political cooperation and stability.

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In Search of a New Political Culture

Christian Kvorning Lassen explores, in his latest blog, the future of political culture as the Western world approaches 2017 with a polarized society and uncertain outcomes of elections in Europe.

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REPORT: Integration of electricity markets in the CEE region from the perspective of the Czech Republic

On February 13 we organized an event discussing the integration of electricity markets in the CEE region, from which the report is now available.

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Politico: Brussels threatens to block Trump’s EU ambassador

Our Tereza Novotná was quoted in a Politico article titled Brussels threatens to block Trump’s EU ambassador.

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