Pozvánka: Café Evropa online: The EU and the LGBTI theme - what are the European institutions doing in regards to the rights and protection of sexual minorities

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invites you to another debate in the Café Evropa series. The discussion about "the EU and the LGBTI theme - what are the European institutions doing in regards of the rights and protection of sexual minorities?" will take place on Monday, August 3rd from 17:00 online on Café Evropa's Facebook page.

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9DASHLINE: Health, Trade and North Korea: The EU-South Korea Summit and Future Ties

Our research fellow Tereza Novotná is the author of an article published within the 9DASHLINE platform, which deals with the topic of North and South Korea and their future relationship and ties with the EU.

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Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF)

Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) is a closed-door summit for decision-makers and opinion-formers co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with partners. TAPF has been held in Prague every Autumn since 2018 under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Deník N: To deal with the pandemic, to strengthen the Europe – after 13 years, Merkel is taking the steering wheel of the EU again

Our Vít Havelka commented for Deník N on the German presidency of the Council of the European Union and how it could be beneficial for Czech Republic .

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Job offer: International Sustainable Finance Centre - Head of Projects and Internship

The ISFC (reasearch and learning centre and sister organisation of EUROPEUM) is looking to hire new colleagues for the Head of Projects and Internship positions.

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"Coronationalism" vs a geopolitical Europe? EU external solidarity at the time of Covid-19

Christian Kvorning Lassen from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy together with Jan Kovář from Institute of International Relations Prague wrote a commentary "Czechia: This Covid-19 environment is not conducive to external solidarity" for the EPIN Report publication, concerned with EU external solidarity at the time of Covid-19.

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E15: Voting on Babiš: The Czech state is also in conflict of interest when it defends the prime minister, says a political scientist

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the European Parliament's vote on the conflict of interests of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš for the E15 daily.

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EU Council Commentary: No progress in MFF and recovery fund

Our Vít Havelka comments on Friday 19 June 2020 European Council meeting.

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INVITATION: EU science and research funding - a look beyond the horizon

Our Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM and Eurocentrum Prague would like to cordially invite you to the online debate "Funding science and research in the EU - a look beyond the horizon", which will take place on June 23 from 5:00 PM.

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Report: What will travel look like in summer?

The Euroskop website published a report from our debate Café Evropa "Opening borders: When will we be able to travel in Schengen again", which took place on 8 June.

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email: europeum@europeum.org