France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?

Our Martin Michelot, in his latest policy paper, explores the relationship of France and the Visegrad group from a perspective of Macron's strategies, a possible multi-speed scenario and a political Franco-German axis, outlining the long-term prospect of cooperation.

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EU: Final warning to Poland

Our Zuzana Stuchlikova commented for current situation in Poland due to controversial judicial reforms and country's tense relationship with the EU.

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Does the EU Have the Right Policy for Hungary and Poland?

Our director Vladimír Bartovic contributed with his answer to the Carnegie Europe series 'Judy Asks,' where he responded to the question whether the EU has the right policy for Hungary and Poland.

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Carnegie Europe: Judy Asks - Does the EU Have the Right Policy for Hungary and Poland?

Our director Vladimír Bartovic contributed with his answer to the Carnegie Europe series 'Judy Asks,' where he responded to the question whether the EU has the right policy for Hungary and Poland.

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Same-sex marriage in Germany: A lost vote for Merkel, or a part of canny politics?

In her latest blog, our Elli Hoai Anh analyzes the vote on same-sex marriage in Germany from a standpoint of Merkel's party politics.

Show more How French President Macron managed to woo Trump in the City of Light

Our Martin Michelot commented on recent visit of US President Donald Trump in France and his meeting with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron.

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Job offer - traineeship at our Brussels Office

EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office is seeking a traineeship position.

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REPORT: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Czech Republic we organized a lecture on Serbia's road to EU membership held by Tanja Miščević – Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Serbia to the EU. The report is now available.

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Can EU Leadership on Climate Change Unite the Fragmented Union?

Christian Kvorning Lassen's newest policy paper on combatting the climate change will serve as the background material for the very first debate from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: 'Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics,' taking place on June 21st, 2017, at the European house.

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EUobserver: Czechs pick 'useless' fight with EU on migration

In an interview for EUobserver, our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the Czech government's arm wrestle match with the European Commission, over the asylum seeker relocation scheme at the risk of losing money and political clout.

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