REPORT: Regional Climate Talks: Impacts of climate change in the Czech Republic: what can we do?

On 23rd October we organized the eleventh debate from the Climate Talks cycle. The topics was „Impacts of climate change in the Czech Republic: what can we do?“.

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The Economic Standard: V4 countries diverge on European defense initiatives, but still have a lot to offer

Our Gergely Varga wrote an article for the Economic Standard about the V4 Countries and their diverge on European defense initiatives

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REPORT: NATO was, is and will be great, experts agree. But not everything in the alliance is alright (Euractiv)

"Despite many changes in the international environment over the past 70 years, the North Atlantic Alliance has managed to remain relevant. If this is to be the case, it is necessary to think about its internal functioning," writes Euractiv in a report about our debate titled Making NATO Great Again.

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The European Union in Central Asia: Balancing Competing Actors and Opportunities for the V4 Countries

As a part of the Think Visegrad platform, Alica Kizeková published a policy paper about European Union's strategy in the Central Asia and the opportunities for Visegrad Four countries.

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INVITATION: Regional Climate Talks - Impacts of climate change in the Czech Republic: what can we do?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the UN Information Centre Prague.

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EU Monitor: The Amazon Wildfires and Environmental Conservation: What Can the EU do?

Helder Hermani published a EU Monitor in which he focuses on the ways EU can contribute to the conservation of Amazon rainforests. He provides analysis and proposes 5 specific steps.

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Café Evropa: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. This time in Prague on Monday, September 23rd. Our distinguished guests will discuss the following topic: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives.

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Climate diplomacy: actions for strengthening the EU leadership role in forest protection and sustainable development

In the latest blog, Helder Hermani writes about the ways of protection of the Amazon rainforest and environment in general by the European Union as well as other actors.

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Sustainable urban mobility

Our Research Fellows Kateřina Davidová and Christian K. Lassen wrote background material for a conference on sustainable urban mobility. The material is out now as a brochure.

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EUObserver: Why Visegrad 4 need to get real about climate change

Our Think Visegrad Fellow Linda Zeilina commented for EUObserver on the Visegrad group and its views on climate change.

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