Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2019/2020

Vít Havelka presents a review of the Czech EU Policy in the last year. He focused on EU Top Jobs, Single Market & Economic policies, Justice and Home Affairs and Foreign and Defence Policy.

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POLICY PAPER: EU membership of the Western Balkan states in times of crisis: From a strategic choice to protracted inertia

Our associate research fellow Marko Stojić in his latest policy paper deals with the Western Balkans' European perspective and the COVID-19 crises' impact on the countries' journey towards EU membership.

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ČT24: Negotiations on trade relations between the EU and Britain

The director of our Institute, Vladimír Bartovic, provided a commentary for the ČT24 regarding the negotiation of the terms of trade relations between the EU and the United Kingdom. These negotiations should be concluded by the end of 2020. If this does not happen trade relations will take place under the terms of the World Trade Organization.

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TA3: Summit EU in Brussels

Our associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the EU Summit in Brussels, where representatives of member states met to discuss important topics, including future relations with the United Kingdom or the tightening of emission targets for 2030. The commentary summarizes the important points of the summit and the results of the first day of negotiations.

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EU MONITOR: Conference on the Future of Europe – another victim of the COVID-19?

EUROPEUM's associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková describes the impact of COVID-19 on the Conference on the Future of Europe in her EU Monitor.

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TA3: Director of EUROPEUM V. Bartovic on the EU Leaders' Summit

Even though the leaders of the states of the European Union have already been discussing the issues of the EU budget and the recovery fund many times, the final form of the agreement is still unclear. The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, presented possible pitfalls and obstacles within the negotiations for the Slovak television station TA3.

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EU Council Commentary: No progress in MFF and recovery fund

Our Vít Havelka comments on Friday 19 June 2020 European Council meeting.

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Český rozhlas Plus: Prime Ministers are getting ready for the negotiations about the future EU's budgets

Our Vít Havelka for Český rozhlas Plus on the negotiations about the forms of the future European union's budgets.

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EURO: How dohas the European Union look like one year after election? Bigger emphasis on the environment and difficult negotiations published the analysis of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy on chosen topics of European policy and development after the last year's elections to the European Parliament.

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iRozhlas: The pandemic overshadowed Brexit, negotiations are still stagnating. Britain with EU are dashing into no deal, says expert

Director of our Institute Vladimír Bartovic was interviewed by iRozhlas, where he talks about the still ongoing negotiations between Great Britain and EU.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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