Hospodářské noviny: Germans take over EU leadership. Other countries are already looking forward to it

Vladimír Bartovic commented for Hospodářské noviny on the preparations for the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in connection with the beginning of the German Presidency.

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REPORT: What is the future of financing the scientific research in EU?

On 23th of June, Eurocentrum Prague organized online debate in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. Speakers are Lucie Núñez Tayupanta, head of the department of European research for Ministry of Education, youth and sports. And David Uhlíř, deputy director for strategy of Jihomoravské inovační centrum (JIC). Debate is moderated by Ludmila Johnová, director of Eurocentra Praha.

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Deník N: To deal with the pandemic, to strengthen the Europe – after 13 years, Merkel is taking the steering wheel of the EU again

Our Vít Havelka commented for Deník N on the German presidency of the Council of the European Union and how it could be beneficial for Czech Republic .

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Lidové noviny: If the prime minister runs after two hares, he may catch none

Vít Havelka, research fellow in EUROPEUM Institute for European policy, writes in the opinion article for Lidové Noviny about the negotiation of European leaders about the 2021-2027 EU budget and the recovery fund of 750 billion euro.

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Lidové noviny: Když chce premiér víc, nemusí mít nic

Vít Havelka, výzkumný pracovník Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, napsal komentář do Lidových Novin, ve kterém píše o vyjednávání lídrů Evropské unie o evropském rozpočtu pro roky 2021–27 a fondu ve výši 750 miliard eur na podporu evropských ekonomik.

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"Coronationalism" vs a geopolitical Europe? EU external solidarity at the time of Covid-19

Christian Kvorning Lassen from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy together with Jan Kovář from Institute of International Relations Prague wrote a commentary "Czechia: This Covid-19 environment is not conducive to external solidarity" for the EPIN Report publication, concerned with EU external solidarity at the time of Covid-19.

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"Koronacionalismus" vs geopolitická Evropa? Vnější solidarita EU v době pandemie COVID-19

Christian Kvorning Lassen z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM spolu s Janem Kovářem z Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů napsali komentář "Czechia: This Covid-19 environment is not conducive to external solidarity" pro publikaci EPIN Report, která se věnuje vnější solidaritě EU v době pandemie COVID-19.

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Hospodářské noviny: A quarter of groceries in stores is of Czech origin. Deputies want to increase the number

Vít Havelka spoke in Hospodářské noviny about the plan of Czech deputies to introduce quotas for Czech food in shops.

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E15: Voting on Babiš: The Czech state is also in conflict of interest when it defends the prime minister, says a political scientist

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the European Parliament's vote on the conflict of interests of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš for the E15 daily.

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EU Council Commentary: No progress in MFF and recovery fund

Our Vít Havelka comments on Friday 19 June 2020 European Council meeting.

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