ČT24: Security situation in the EU

Michal Vít was a guest of Studio 6 at ČT24, where he commented current security situation in the context of latest proposals on future cooperation presented during the summit.

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ČT24: The President of the European Commission on the State of the EU

Tereza Novotná spoke on September the 14th 2016 for the Czech TV, where she commented Jean-Claude Juncker's speech on the state of the European Union.

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ČRo Plus: Introducing the State of the Union speech

Michal Vít commented on ČRo Plus Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union speech towards the MEPs.

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ČRo Plus: Meetings of the Visegrad countries before the EU summit in Bratislava

Michal Vít commented on ČRo Plus the meetings of the V4 countries and the EU's position towards the cooperation of this group within the EU.

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HN: Volební programy jsou plné přijetí eura. Poslanci europarlamentu to přitom zařídit nemohou

Ivo Šlosarčík commented on the adoption of the euro being part of many European election manifestos.

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RTVS: France shut down 20 mosques to fight radical Islam

Martin Michelot commented on Tuesday at Rádio Slovensko - Rádiožurnál o 12:00 the attempts of the French government to reduce influence of radical imams on young Muslims.

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ČRo Plus: debated issues of the EU-Turkey deal

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Radio Plus, where he talked about further negotiations of the EU-Turkey migration deal, including the possibility of an unilateral termination of the agreement by Turkey.

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ČRo Plus: European Commission's sanctions against Spain and Portugal

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Radio Plus, where he talked about financial sanctions against Spain and Portugal for their high state budget deficit. Over the past two years, both countries failed to keep the deficit under the limit of three percent of national GDP that is binding for all Eurozone member states.

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ČRo Plus: European Commission's sanctions against Spain and Portugal

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Radio Plus, where he talked about financial sanctions against Spain and Portugal for their high state budget deficit. Over the past two years, both countries failed to keep the deficit under the limit of three percent of national GDP that is binding for all Eurozone member states.

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EurActiv.cz: Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy director, Vladimír Bartovic, commented on forthcoming Slovak presidency in the Council of the EU.

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