Decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry
After the successful delivery of last year’s project focused on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the climate team of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy leads its second round. This time, the project aims to use already acquired knowledge, contacts and resources to help create a conducive environment for discussion between the representatives of the industry and the public sector. It will also contribute to our understanding of the decarbonization pathways through evidence-based research. Lastly, the project aims to raise social awareness about the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition of the automotive industry by organizing events and media briefings. This year’s project will be shaped by the Czech Presidency of the European Council in the second half of the year.
1. December 2022

Project goals
- To enable fast and fair decarbonization of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic.
- To bridge the gap between policy- and decision-makers and companies.
- To raise social awareness and acceptance of the inevitable changes in the transport sector.
- To help people identify with the idea of a new ecosystem of mobility.
- To provide evidence-based recommendations to the stakeholders involved in the decarbonization process.
- Producing at least 3 in-depth policy reports focusing on specific issues of automotive decarbonisation.
- Organizing roundtable discussions with relevant stakeholders.
- Participating in meetings and events with representatives from the public and private sector as well as from the academia.
- Organizing media briefings and informing journalists about the Fit for 55 proposals relevant to the automotive sector.
- Recording Europeum’s podcast episode focused on the topic of the project.
- Organizing the final conference of the project where our findings and results will be presented.
- Roundtable: Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency
- EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency
- Roundtable: Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund
- Conference: E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe
- Report: E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe
- Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain
- Policy Paper | SUMP IT UP: Prague Moving towards Sustainable Urban Mobility
The project is supported by the European Climate Foundation.