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Vladimír Bartovic

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Vladimír Bartovic


Vladimír Bartovic is the President of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (he was the Director in 2014-2021) and the Director of the Political Department in the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic. In the past, he was a member of the external advisory team of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for foreign and European policy, a member of the Programme Council of the Czech-Polish Forum and a member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Open Society PASOS. He studied international business and international politics at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Prague and the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague. He also studied at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the University of Granada. Between 2011 and 2012, he served as Director of the Department of Strategic Analysis and Planning at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic. He also worked as an editor of the journal Integration. He has lectured on topics related to European integration at the Institute for Public Administration and the Czech National Bank.

Britain in Europe Renegotiation Scorecard

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22. 2. 2016
Director of EUROPEUM, Vladimír Bartovic, contributed as a national researcher for the Czech Republic to a special report on EU member states' attitudes towards Britain's EU reform agenda, which was compiled by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

V4 Trust – the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group (2015-2016)

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16. 2. 2016
EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic is one of the co-authors of a mid-term paper evaluating the Czech V4 presidency.

European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2016

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28. 1. 2016
Our Director Vladimír Bartovic was one of the Central European contributing researchers to the European Foreign Policy Scorecard, issued by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Czech Republic: A desire to accommodate British demands, but without treaty changes

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11. 11. 2015
How do various members of the EU view UK´s ‪‎renegotiation‬? Director of Europeum Vladimír Bartovic explains the Czech point of view on the LSE blog.

Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation

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20. 9. 2015
Europeum's director Vladimír Bartovic contributed to a recent publication called "Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation"

Enlargement and Citizenship: Looking to the Future - Czech Republic

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8. 6. 2015
Vladimír Bartovic contributed to a project on the relations between enlargement and citizenship in EU member states.

Sharing Experience of Visegrad Countries’ EU Economic Integration and Georgia’s Successful Institutional Reforms for Albania and Kosovo

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29. 4. 2015
Vladimír Bartovic is a co-author of a report "Sharing Experience of Visegrad Countries’ EU Economic Integration and Georgia’s Successful Institutional Reforms for Albania and Kosovo".

European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2015

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3. 2. 2015
Vladimír Bartovic contributed to the European Foreign Policy Scorecard published by ECFR think-tank.

Ten years in the EU: Czech and Slovak Experience

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15. 10. 2014
EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic is co-author of discussion paper.

V4 Supporting Economic Integration of Georgia and Moldova with the EU

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18. 9. 2014
EUROPEUM’s director Vladimír Bartovic is a co-author of publication focusing on economic integration of Georgia and Moldavia.

Enlargement and citizenship: looking into the future - Czech Republic

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5. 9. 2014
EUROPEUM’s director Vladimír Bartovic authored publication targeting the issue of EU’s citizenship viewed from the Czech perspective.

European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014

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10. 2. 2014
Vladimír Bartovic was one of the authors of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard for 2014.
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