iROZHLAS | Segregation of Romani children persists in the Czech Republic
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13. 3. 2024
In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Czech Republic for discriminating against Romani pupils in their access to education. The Ministry of Education has admitted that this problem continues to this day. Not only is the Czech Republic under scrutiny by the Council of Europe, but it is also at risk of renewed infringement proceedings in the European Union, which could lead to financial sanctions. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue for iROZHLAS.cz.

Respekt | Is the veto fulfilling its function in EU or has it become a tool for blackmail?
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11. 3. 2024
Although Viktor Orbán didn't make good on his threat to veto the EU aid proposal for Ukraine, his actions have opened a debate on the need for a veto in the EU. Does it still make sense or has it become a blackmail tool? Even now, the veto isn't the only way to block a proposal. In addition to it, unanimity may be threatened by the so-called blocking minority, in which a group of at least four states representing at least 35% of the EU population can prevent a proposal from being presented. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the Czech Republic's position in the EU and the possible reform of the approval mechanisms for the weekly Respekt.

Deník N | Will the rotation in NATO leadership involve the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe?
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11. 3. 2024
This year will see the expected renewal of top posts in NATO and, after the European Parliament elections, also in the European Union. These positions are traditionally filled by candidates from the wealthy countries of Western and Southern Europe, and to a lesser extent Northern Europe. The countries of Eastern and Central Europe have so far, even after years of membership, still been overlooked. Poland is the only country from the region to have been awarded one of the bloc’s senior positions in the past with Donald Tusk and Jerzy Buzek leading the European Council and European Parliament respectively. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about the selections of candidates for Deník N.

ČRo Plus | Macron came to Prague to discuss building nuclear blocks in Dukovany
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5. 3. 2024
French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Prague to meet with Czech officials. The main topic of the discussion is the construction of a new block of the Dukovany nuclear power plant, which has drawn interest from both the French state company EDF and the Korean KHNP. Amongst the main topics is also support for Ukraine and the issue of new ammunition. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about Macron's visit for ČRo Plus.

Hospodářské noviny | Do critics of the migration pact have a better solution?
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1. 3. 2024
Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the current government's and opposition leader Andrej Babiš's stance on the migration pact for the newsletter Ředitelé Evropy of Hospodářské noviny.

ČRo Plus | Czech government opposition reaction to EU migration pact
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29. 2. 2024
The EU Migration Pact has long been the subject of heated debate between the Czech government and the opposition. From the latter there are opinions that it is a monstrous agreement masking refugee quotas or fears that illegal migration will destroy the Czech Republic. But the government says it is a step in the right direction, despite the Czech Republic's abstention in the vote on the pact. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the change of their position for ČRo Plus.

ČRo Plus | Why Martina Dlabajová was not appointed as EU's small and medium-sized enterprises Envoy
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28. 2. 2024
Czech MEP Martina Dlabajová had applied for the post of EU's small and medium-sized enterprises Envoy last fall, but at the end of January Markus Pieper was appointed to this role. He is Ursula von der Leyen's running mate, who came third in the open competition behind the winning Dlabajová. The anti-corruption organisation Transparency International, among others, has called for an investigation into the selection procedure. Viktor Daněk, the deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for Czech Radio.

TN.cz | Visegrad Group could unite over migration issue
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28. 2. 2024
The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary met in Prague to discuss the war in Ukraine and the future direction of the Visegrad Group. According to Viktor Daňek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, migration will be another possible common topic and Donald Tusk will become one of the most important politicians in Europe in the next years.

Seznam Zprávy | "It's cynical." Why ANO party turned the tables in the migration pact debate
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27. 2. 2024
In light of the debates on the migration pact, which represents the next step in solving the migration issue, the Czech political scene is once again focusing on this topic. However, Prime Minister Petr Fiala and the head of the opposition ANO party Andrej Babiš criticize the agreement, despite their previous positions. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke in the 5:59 podcast about the change in their opinions, the possible reasons that led to it, as well as the content of the pact itself.

ČT24 | Week of protests of European farmers
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26. 2. 2024
Farmers across all Europe call for changes in legislation. What are their demands? How fast are the negotiations going and how can farmers be relieved of some of the current bureaucracy? Viktor Daněk explains in an interview for ČT24.

ČRo Plus | Czech Republic would embarrass itself by withdrawing from the Green Deal
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22. 2. 2024
The Green Deal, a strategy towards greener technologies and climate protection, has recently been a major topic of discussion on the European scene. The Green Deal is also fiercely debated in the Czech Republic, with many farmers calling for its withdrawal in the streets in recent days. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the farmers' protests and their demands for Czech Radio Plus.

ČRo | New sanctions package includes entities outside of Russia
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21. 2. 2024
The new thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia was approved today by representatives of the EU. The sanction list has been expanded by another 200 individuals, companies, and institutions. These include entities outside of Russia that are involved in bypassing measures preventing the purchase of military technologies by Moscow. An expert commentary for the Radiožurnál program was provided by EUROPEUM's deputy director Viktor Daněk.