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Rebeka Hengalová

Research Fellow
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Rebeka Hengalová

Research Fellow

Rebeka is a Research Fellow of EUROPEUM’s Green Europe programme. She studied Socio-ecological Economics and Policy at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Her specialisation was social policy; in her master’s thesis, she focused on Czech family policy in the context of company childcare. In EUROPEUM, she continues in the socio-ecological direction, researching transport poverty in the context of the Emission Trading System (ETS2) implementation and its mitigation through the Social Climate Fund. She advises on the allocation of the Fund at the Ministry of Environment. Additionally, she leads research on the decarbonisation of housing and the role of citizens and state subsidies in this effort, all within a V4 consortium. Previously, she examined the impact of decarbonisation of the Czech automotive industry on its workers’ employment stability and re-skilling needs. She loves dogs, ballet and coffee.


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1. 6. 2026
JustGreen project aims to engage the V4 citizens in debates and other forms of public engagement around decarbonization in three areas that are intimately linked to their everyday lives: housing, transport, and the job market. The public engagement activities, along with the ancillary research, shall pinpoint specific obstacles citizens and communities encounter when implementing climate-friendly steps or adapting to the EU decarbonization policies.

Prague Climate Academy

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1. 10. 2025
In 2023, the Green Europe Team of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM started a series of debates focused on communicating the topic of green transformation to the Czech public. The aim is to develop public debate and support journalists and civil society in informed discussions about climate change and climate policies. In its first year, the Prague Climate Academy focused on sustainability in transportation (decarbonizing road transport in connection with electromobility and the sustainability of transportation in Prague). In 2024, it continued with the topic of adapting cities to climate change and discussing the impacts of heatwaves on cities. The year 2025 brings the perspective of resilience, with a discussion of current trends in global temperature rise and extreme weather events, including their impacts on urban infrastructure and public health.

Green Broadcast

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31. 8. 2025
The project Green Broadcast was launched on 1 January 2025 and will be ongoing until 31 August 2025.

Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System 2

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31. 3. 2025
This project examines the potential impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System 2 (ETS2) on Europe’s most vulnerable households, with a particular focus on mitigating risks that could lead to public resistance against the EU’s transport decarbonization policies. Its activities aim to contribute to the mainstreaming of the concept of transport poverty, its causes and solutions, in the Czech context.

Online webinar: How Do Czechs Really Travel?

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5. 3. 2025
What truly matters when choosing how we get around? How do Czechs prefer to travel, and what’s stopping them from switching to electric cars? Join us for a live talk-show-style webinar where we’ll present fresh data on Czech mobility habits. We’ll explore:

Media briefing: What Do Czechs Really Think About the EU and the GreenDeal?

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4. 3. 2025
EUROPEUM is inviting you to the media briefing where we unveil fresh research insights into the evolving attitudes of Czechs toward the European Union and climate policies. | The EU cannot save the global climate on its own, but it can make trading partners change their behaviour

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4. 2. 2025
The arrival of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America sends a negative message to the global climate, yet Europe should continue its efforts. These were the conclusions reached by experts during a discussion on climate policy organised by

Press Release | Do Czechs renovate their homes? And how popular are subsidy programmes?

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29. 1. 2025
On Wednesday 29 January 2025, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Institute of Empirical Research STEM organized a presentation of new data for the media on the topic "How will the Green Deal affect housing in the Czech Republic and how popular are the Czechs with subsidy programmes so far? Research results on the possibilities of environmentally friendly renovation of buildings in the Czech Republic."

STVR | How the rise of populist and right-wing parties will affect EU environmental policy

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23. 1. 2025
In recent years, we have seen a rise in the influence of populist and right-wing parties across Europe, raising questions about the future direction of EU politics. What impact might their strengthening position have on environmental priorities? Will the EU's climate targets be slowed down or will new approaches emerge? Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Slovakian radio STVR.

Policy Brief | Will the Fund fund enough?

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31. 12. 2024
There is a plethora of ways in which the ETS2 revenues and Social Climate Fund financing can support decarbonisation among lower-income strata, accounting for differing needs of communities, regions and countries. When addressed in a timely manner, these initiatives can both serve the green and just transition. How exactly can the Fund be allocated and what are its capacities are the guiding questions of this policy brief, written by Rebeka Hengalová as part of the Think Visegrad research fellowship.

ČT24 | Government aims to postpone and modify the new emissions trading system

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16. 12. 2024
Environment Minister Petr Hladík is heading to Brussels to negotiate a postponement of the proposed ETS2 directive, which introduces a new emissions trading system. The government is seeking not only to postpone the directive but also to amend it to strengthen consumer protection. EUROPEUM Institute analyst Rebeka Hengalová commented for ČT24.

bne IntelliNews | Czechs opt for nuclear option

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11. 12. 2024
Currently, the energy mix in the Czech Republic consists mainly of nuclear and coal power, with some secondary input from renewable sources. Coal-fired power plants are to be phased out by 2033 as part of the country's climate mitigation efforts, so the country will be dependent on nuclear and renewables to meet future electricity demand, which is likely to grow due to the shift to electromobility. EUROPEUM Institute researcher Rebeka Hengalová and analyst Filip Křenek commented for bne IntelliNews.
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