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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research
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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research

Christian holds an MA in International Relations Studies from Aarhus University and a BA in European and History Studies from Aarhus University and University of Surrey. He has previously worked for the Royal Danish Embassy to the Czech Republic’s Political and Economics department, as well as the Forum 2000 Foundation before joining EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, where he has worked as a Research Fellow and Deputy Director, his current position.

Through his work at EUROPEUM, he has authored numerous policy papers as well as organized, managed and collaborated on numerous international projects, including several Horizon2020, Europe for Citizens and International Visegrad Fund projects, revolving mainly around migration, the rise of populism, and European integration at the nexus of green transitioning and decarbonization.

Hospodářské noviny: Trump requires an early end to the votes counting

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4. 11. 2020
Deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Christian Kvorning Lassen, commented on the current situation in the USA for Hospodářské noviny, in particular he commented on the presidential election which is nearing towards the finals.

CNN Prima News: EU and migration

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21. 6. 2020
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen commented for CNN Prima News on the issue of the European Union and migration. What is the form of European migration policy? And what is the public support?

Kristeligt Dagblad: Dissatisfaction with governments' corona handling grows in Europe

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17. 6. 2020
Christian Kvorning Lassen commented on Central European countries' coronavirus response for the Danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad.

EURO: How dohas the European Union look like one year after election? Bigger emphasis on the environment and difficult negotiations

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1. 6. 2020 published the analysis of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy on chosen topics of European policy and development after the last year's elections to the European Parliament.

ALTINGET: Christian Kvorning Lassen writes in Danish daily Altinget about the EU's warning to member states about the possible coronavirus outbreak

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6. 4. 2020
EUROPEUM's deputy director Christian Kvorning Lassen writes in Danish online daily Altinget that the EU is not responsible for the current situation, but its member states are. They underestimated the warning from the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), which in January informed the EU member states about the possibility of a worldwide coronavirus outbreak.

RTVS: Christian Kvorning Lassen about whether the European Union is securing the borders better now or five years ago

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9. 3. 2020
Greece should get 700 million EUR as a financial aid for securing the border. Christian Kvorning Lassen, research fellow from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, was answering the question of RTVS: "Is European Union better with securing the borders now or five years ago?"

Deník N: Explosive topic doomed to fail. This time, the larger part of the EU does not like the new scheme of redistribution of refugees

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7. 10. 2019
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute of European Policy, contributed to the article about the newly proposed initiative for the efficient and fast relocation of rescued asylum seekers and commented on its link with the domestic political situation in Italy.

Het Financieele Dagblad: Why Czechs do not believe in closer European integration?

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16. 9. 2019
In their series, the Dutch newspaper focuses on local eurosceptic tendencies in the countries of the Visegrad group. Christian Lassen and Vít Havelka commented on the current state of affairs in the Czech Republic.

RTVS: Swedish parliamentary elections

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10. 9. 2018
Christian Kvorning Lassen commented for RTVS on the Swedish parliamentary elections and the possible success of the Sweden Democrats party.

RTVS: Radionews at 12:00

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10. 9. 2018
Christian Kvorning Lassen commented for RTVS on the split in the German society concerning the issue of migration

HN Svět: Slovaks are content with the EU membership, Hungarians want independent media.

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29. 5. 2018
Our Christian K. Lassen has given his insight on the Czech approach to the EU for HN Svět. Nationalism deepens the differences in Central Europe

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3. 5. 2018
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen commented on the differences between the natures of populisms in individual countries.
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