Factsheet | Emission allowances for households: What is ETS2 and how to use it to our advantage

The extension of the emissions trading system for local heating and road transport, the so-called ETS2, is due to come into effect in 2027. ETS2 now needs to be adopted into Czech legislation under the Emissions Trading Act. In this factsheet you will find basic facts and answers to questions that the Czech public often asks. Please also see the attached materials from the organisations that contributed to the factsheet.

For the Czech Republic, the co-benefits of rapid emission reductions would amount to around CZK 439 billion by 2030, i.e. 6.8% of GDP. Climate action can also increase new jobs by up to 2.5% and increase employment compared to inaction. This requires investment of around CZK 2.8 trillion by 2030. Inaction, on the other hand, will cost us four times more money than investing in climate action such as developing renewable energy and modernising our economy.


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#ETS2 #emission allowances #Emission Trading Act #road transport

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