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Winds of political change in Turkey?
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23. 7. 2019 at 13:45
In his latest blog, our Žiga Faktor focuses on Ekrem İmamoğlu's election win in the mayoral election in Istanbul and the future of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency.

In divided Cyprus, new tensions in decades-old dispute arise while history is made in the European election
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22. 7. 2019 at 14:50
Our Jiří Lacina explores, in his latest blog, the conflict over natural resources near Cyprus amidst the results of the EP elections

The discreet charm of hypocrisy: An EU-Turkey Power Audit
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27. 3. 2018 at 13:20
Vladimír Bartovic has contributed with a chapter on the relations of Czech Republic with Turkey within this ECFR publication aimed to analyse at the relationship of the EU and Erdogan's Turkey.

Turkey, the caliphate of Sultan Erdogan?
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26. 4. 2017 at 15:35
In his new blog, our Research Assistant Patrick Zingerle describes the current political situation in Erdogan's Turkey, from the army coup to the recent referendum strengthening the power in the hands of the Turkish president.

RTVS: Diplomatic ties with Turkey in tension
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21. 3. 2017 at 15:30
Our Christian Kvorning Lassen was interviewed on RTVS about the worsening of the relations between certain EU member states and Turkey.

ČRo Plus: diplomatic incident between Turkey and the Netherlands
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13. 3. 2017 at 10:10
Our research fellow Michal Vít was a guest on ČRo Plus, where he commented on the recent diplomatic incident between Turkey and the Netherlands.

ČT24: Turkish police arresting officials
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7. 11. 2016 at 15:00
Our Michal Vít was a guest on the ČT24 channel on July 4th, where he commented on the international criticism directed towards the Turkish regime and the impact of Turkey's political actions on the EU - Turkey accession talks.

RTVS: Refugees protection in Turkey
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30. 9. 2016 at 15:35
Our Research Fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen spoke to Rádio Slovensko RTVS about refugees legal protection beying returned from Greece to Turkey.

Café Evropa: The powerful man upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey)
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14. 9. 2016 at 12:45
Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate, part of Café Evropa series of debates. The distinguished guests, Lucia Najšlová and Tomáš Pojar will discuss the following topic: “The Powerful Man Upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey).

TV Noe: Current situation in Turkey in the international context
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6. 9. 2016 at 12:40
Our Research Fellow Michal Vít spoke about unsuccessful coup in Turkey, events that followed immediately after and their relevance for current state of international relations.

ČT24: St Petersburg: Meeting of Putin and Erdogan
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10. 8. 2016 at 13:25
Our research fellow Michal Vít was a guest of the Studio ČT24 programme, where he spoke of the recent meeting between Putin and Erdogan in St Petersburg.

ČT24: Implications of Turkish coup d'état attempt
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4. 8. 2016 at 14:50
Michal Vít was a guest of Studio ČT24 the 3rd of August. He spoke about the situation after failed military coup d'état in Turkey and its implications for the EU-Turkey refugee deal.