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NDR: Demonstrative unity between Russia and North Korea

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15. 9. 2023 at 19:25
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un hold a joint summit in Russia. Our researcher Tereza Novotna commented on the rapprochement between the leaders of the Russian Federation and North Korea for German radio NDR.

NTV: North Korea reduces dependence on China by deals with Russia

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15. 9. 2023 at 18:45
Tereza Novotná, an expert from EUROPEUM, spoke about the summit between Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin on German NTV.

ČT24: Revolt of the Wagner mercenaries

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24. 6. 2023 at 09:00
Our executive director Martin Vokálek commented for ČT24 on the rebellion of the mercenaries from Wagner's group.

Aktuálně.cz: Liberal leader of Eastern Europe. Czechs trust the president and perceive Russia as the originator of the war

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31. 5. 2023 at 10:50
A new international analysis points to the Czech Republic as a leader of liberal values in Central and Eastern Europe. Twice as many people trust the President than last year, when Miloš Zeman was still head of state. The analysis was prepared by Globsec, a prestigious think tank based in Bratislava. Our senior Research Fellow Klára Votavová also commented on the issue.

ČRo Plus: Events around Ukraine and Russia

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9. 5. 2023 at 15:05
Events around Ukraine and Russia, and the new 11th sanctions submitted by the European Union. The EU has submitted these sanctions to its member states and our researcher Zuzana Stuchlíková comments on the situation.

INVITATION | Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia

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24. 11. 2022 at 15:30
We would like to invite you to a debate called "Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia " in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 2 at 11:30.

RTVS: European Parliament: Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism

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24. 11. 2022 at 10:05
Following the Russian attacks on civilians in Ukraine, the European Parliament has designated Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. What does this declaration mean in practice and what does it mean for member states? Our Executive Director Martin Vokálek commented on this matter for Slovak RTVS.

Energie bez emisí: The decline of fossil fuels is clear, the biggest challenge is to solve raw material dependence

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18. 11. 2022 at 14:00
Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the Energy Without Emissions podcast. He answers questions on issues such as current energy prices and their possible future development, what impact climate change will have on industry, what is the state's strategy or how the state is approaching the situation.

RTVS: Some EU countries are returning to coal energy

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2. 8. 2022 at 11:30
The return of coal as a source of electricity production is a direct consequence of the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The resumption of coal-fired power stations in Europe means an increase in harmful emissions, jeopardizing the EU's climate targets. EUROPEUM Institute researcher Kateřina Davidová spoke in detail about the energy crisis in Europe, the measures that Brussels is taking to prevent countries from turning to sources of electricity such as coal, and the compensatory measures taken by member states.

iRozhlas: 'Fresh' first month of the presidency. The Union is relieved that the Czechs have negotiated even a problematic point like gas

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2. 8. 2022 at 09:45
In their article on the current European energy policy, refers to the study Gas in Numbers - European solidarity with gas: where does the Czech Republic stand?, which was prepared for EUROPEUM by our researcher Michal Hrubý. Michal Hrubý also commented in more detail for iRozhlas on the necessity of building energy independence from Russia, reducing annual consumption and Czech interests.

E15: The Kremlin wants to use gas to break up the European Union. Experts say it will not succeed

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28. 7. 2022 at 11:15
Russia's Nord Stream 1 pipeline has been operating at only 20 % capacity since Wednesday. According to Bloomberg, Russia will not restore supplies to full capacity as long as anti-Russian sanctions remain in place. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented for that with sufficient gas supplies and appropriate savings, we will definitely get through this winter. Analysis: How to survive the winter without Russian gas

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20. 7. 2022 at 13:15
How do we manage energy in the Czech Republic? What will be the energy situation in the future and how can we save? Our Research Fellow Michal Hrubý commented on this for the news server
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