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REPORT: NATO was, is and will be great, experts agree. But not everything in the alliance is alright (Euractiv)

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7. 11. 2019 at 16:20
"Despite many changes in the international environment over the past 70 years, the North Atlantic Alliance has managed to remain relevant. If this is to be the case, it is necessary to think about its internal functioning," writes Euractiv in a report about our debate titled Making NATO Great Again.

REPORT: Save the European elections

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10. 7. 2019 at 15:15
The report from the project ''Save the European elections'', which we launched together with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Prague this May, is now available.

REPORT: Opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia: lessons of the past

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3. 7. 2019 at 16:05
The report from the conference ''Opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia: lessons of the past'' is now available.

REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Waste as a driver of climate change: what are the solutions?

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30. 5. 2019 at 11:25
On May 13, 2019 we organised the eighth event from our project Prague Climate Talks: Waste as a driver of climate change: what are the solutions? The report is now available.

REPORT: 15 years in the EU: What have we learned?

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27. 5. 2019 at 15:40
The Report from our panel discussion titled “15 years in the EU: What have we learned?” that was organised by the Think Visegrad platform is now available.

REPORT: Strategic security questions for Europe

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22. 5. 2019 at 14:00
The Report from a closed informal meeting with Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, held in Brussels on Monday, 13 May, is now available.

REPORT: EU as a leader in AI excellence

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9. 5. 2019 at 13:45
On Tuesday, May 7, the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy hosted a conference entitled “EU as a leader in AI excellence”. The report is now available.

REPORT: Structural transition in coal regions – experiences from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the EU

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30. 4. 2019 at 18:15
Report from our round table on the topic of structural transitions of coal regions is now available.

REPORT: Movie screening – The Good Change: Poles Apart

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30. 4. 2019 at 13:35
The report from the movie screening titled ''The Good Change: Poles Apart'' that took place as part of the international human rights documentary films festival One World is now available.

REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

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2. 3. 2017 at 16:20
On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

REPORT: Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

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1. 2. 2017 at 14:10
The report from our launching event of the 2016 Go To Think Tank Index, held on 26th January 2017 on how think tanks in the Czech Republic and beyond are still able today to fulfill their functions of informing policy debates, is now available.

REPORT: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

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3. 1. 2017 at 15:40
On December 9 we organized, in cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network, an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project. The report summarizing the debate and the issues relating to the V4 countries is now available.
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