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Circularity and lifecycle management of batteries and structural materials in the automotive industry as an opportunity for Czechia*
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30. 11. 2024 at 14:15
After three successful projects focusing on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the Green Europe team of EUROPEUM in collaboration with the Institute of Circular Economy (INCIEN) is broadening its focus and taking a more circular approach. This project will focus on better lifecycle and end-of-life management of materials used in vehicles and batteries. The collaboration will be split into two research areas.

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31. 7. 2024 at 10:00
RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.

Report | European Summer School 2023
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26. 7. 2023 at 14:05
In July 2023, the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM organized its 20th edition of the European Summer School in Prague. This year’s jubilee edition programme focused on the complexities of climate change and the EU’s approach and solutions towards this ever-growing issue, entailing climate change’s political, economic, security, and social aspects.

Discussing Ukraine in V4 mainstream media: The future vis-à-vis European integration
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22. 5. 2023 at 12:15
The project assesses the production, distribution and consumption of news on Ukraine’s future vis-a-vis European integration by the V4 mainstream media. The aim is to designate both dominant and marginalized narratives, while also analyzing their impact via focus groups. The findings will be presented to stakeholders in order to improve reporting and increase the audiences’ access to information.

Decarbonization of the Industrial Sector: Sustainable Finance as an Opportunity?
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28. 11. 2022 at 11:50
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy partnered up with the institutions from the Visegrad Group countries and now leads the project consortium. The main objective of the project is to identify priority policies that will enable the decarbonisation of heavy industry in a way that is consistent with the commitments of the Visegrad Four countries to limit future global warming to 1.5 °C. To reach this objective, partners conduct original research and engage the local stakeholders.

Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership
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24. 2. 2020 at 10:15
The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

Support to independent reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process with focus on the Chapters 23 and 24
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22. 5. 2019 at 11:05
We are proud to conduct a project focused on support to independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process and specifically the obstacles in the key Chapters 23 and 24 which is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Prague European Summit - videos from the conference
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14. 3. 2016 at 10:30
Videos from last year's Prague European Summit, which took place in Prague on 12th - 13th Novermber 2015, are now available online.

Parties, Voters and National Identity
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3. 2. 2016 at 13:10
Our project, organized in the research framework focusing on the topic of national identities in Central Europe, aims to research how political parties use themes connected to national identity, and its goal is to find out how the declared political positions influence the election results of individual political parties in different regions.

Programme of the Prague European Summit conference
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3. 11. 2015 at 16:00
A structured programme of the Prague European Summit is now available.

Summary of the CEE Identity conference - My Hero Your Enemy
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2. 11. 2015 at 16:10
A summary of a conference on National Identity in CEE - My Hero Your Enemy, which we organized in July, is now available.

Prague European Summit - International Programme Board members
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26. 10. 2015 at 16:25
You can now view the members of the International Programme Boards online.