policy paper
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Policy Paper | Democratic Participation, Integration, and Trust within the Visegrád Group: Twenty Years Since European Union Integration
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23. 12. 2024 at 10:14
This paper contextualizes and analyzes data pertaining to democratic participation, institutional trust, and integration of the Visegrád Group—Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia—into the European Union twenty years since accession. This paper explores the history and functionality of the Visegrád Group as a political collective both before and during EU membership. A representative survey across the four countries provides substantive insights into the current state of EU cohesion during a critical period for the community. Writes Henry Barrett in his Policy Paper.

Policy Paper | Transatlantic transitions: Strategies for 2025 and Beyond
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4. 11. 2024 at 18:02
The "Transatlantic Policy Forum 2024 Backgrounder" paper outlines key strategic challenges and policy directions for the transatlantic relationship as the U.S. approaches its 2024 presidential election. It addresses anticipated issues in transatlantic cooperation, including NATO and EU enlargement, response to the war in Ukraine, security in Central and Eastern Europe, and rising geopolitical tensions with China. The paper emphasizes the need for the U.S. and Europe to strengthen alliances to face challenges like election integrity threats, a multipolar trade system, and authoritarian influences.

Policy Paper | Navigating the Digital Workforce Frontier
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8. 10. 2024 at 09:25
Since the pandemic, telework has been on the rise and is here to stay. In 2023, nearly 1 in 4 employees in the EU worked from home at least part of the time, and almost 75% want to continue teleworking at least several times a month. While teleworking within member states has become relatively easy, cross-border remote work remains fraught with administrative hurdles, costs, and uncertainties —especially for SMEs. In her latest Policy Paper, EUROPEUM Institute Research Fellow Silke Maes explores why remote work is still difficult, why regulating telework isn’t yet a priority, and how tax, social security, and labour law could be adjusted to the era of digital work.

Policy paper | Czechia and NATO: Building a more capable, connected and credible European pillar
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17. 7. 2024 at 15:55
CEE allies are key to building the capabilities-based, European Pillar NATO needs to enact genuine burden shifting and secure the alliance’s future. Dr Benjamin Tallis shows how Czechia can build on recent progress in defense procurement and increase its influence by prioritising the six elements Euro-NATO needs: core national war-fighting capabilities, logistics, military mobility, strategic enablers, air defence and long-range strategic strike.

Policy paper | Managing imperial decline: a new EU policy towards Russia
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16. 7. 2024 at 15:10
Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has shattered the post-Cold War international order built upon East-West interdependence and cooperation. The European Union (EU) - which had tried to pursue a strategic relationship with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 - must now adapt to the geopolitical reality of Russian neo-revisionism. Hugo Blewett-Mundy, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, identifies four areas where the EU's policy towards Russia could evolve to confront this emerging security situation in Europe.

Policy Paper | Enlargement on Hold: The Price Europe Pays
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25. 6. 2024 at 09:00
How can the EU enlargement process regain its lost momentum? And how can we learn from previous rounds of enlargement? These questions are answered by a group of authors together with EUROPEUM Institute senior researcher Jana Juzová in a new publication within the REWEU project.

Policy paper | Here to stay, but in what form? Researching the potential of cross-border telework in the digital economy
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4. 6. 2024 at 15:50
The rapid uptake of telework, facilitated by digitalisation, has upset a system based on physical presence in the workplace in the EU. Especially since the pandemic, telework has become increasingly prevalent and an integral part of employees’ working and expectation patterns. Our research fellow Silke Maes covered this topic in her policy paper, highlighting the challenges and opportunities telework presents for cross-border coordination.

Policy Paper | FROM STICK SHIFT TO SKILL SHIFT? Reskilling of automotive's employees in the eyes of the industry's stakeholders
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22. 3. 2024 at 11:40
There is no time to wait in retraining the employees of car manufacturers if we do not want our car industry to fossilize and disappear. Writes Rebeka Hengalová, research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

Policy Paper | 2024 and Beyond: How to Future-proof the Transatlantic Alliance
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25. 10. 2023 at 10:30
Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz contributed to an analysis looking at the latest obstacles facing transatlantic security, particularly against the backdrop of Russia's war against Ukraine. The focus is on the need to address geopolitical challenges while pursuing strategic independence on economic and energy issues, all while maintaining the common democratic principles that bind these allies together. The document also anticipates the obstacles ahead in 2024, including a significant election year, and the need for the transatlantic relationship to strengthen its resolve for the future.

Analysis | To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI | Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing
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28. 4. 2023 at 14:05
Discover Jana Juzová's article titled "To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI" in the working paper series Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda. Juzová, a senior researcher, provides valuable insights into the complexities of the Czech Republic's stance on the 3SI. Explore this thought-provoking analysis today to understand the dynamics surrounding this strategic initiative.

POLICY PAPER: Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review
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15. 2. 2023 at 16:20
Our researchers Danielle Piatkiewicz and Hugo Blewet-Mundy have written a policy paper on "Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review" which aims to outline action points and proposals that the Transatlantic Partnership should adopt.

Policy Paper: Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: A troubleshooting guide for reluctant EU donors
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8. 12. 2021 at 11:25
Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň, Senior Research Fellow from the Institute of International Relations, wrote a project policy paper under the auspices of the Think Visegrad in Brussels titled "Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: A troubleshooting guide for reluctant EU donors".