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Televizní noviny | Clear industrial deal
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26. 2. 2025 at 17:00
The European Commission has presented a clean industrial agreement. Agreement is designed to ensure that the Green Deal's objectives are met while boosting European industry's competitiveness. Filip Křenek, analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Televizní noviny.

Radiožurnál | Polední publicistika: Plans for European Industry
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26. 2. 2025 at 12:00
Can the strategic plans presented by the European Commission today make a significant contribution to the competitiveness of European industry? Filip Křenek, EUROPEUM Institute analyst commented for Radižurnál.

STVR | The future of the European economy and industry
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26. 2. 2025 at 11:20
What are the main points of Ursula von der Leyen's plan to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry? EUROPEUM Institute analyst Filip Křenek commented for STVR. | Europe is wandering. The Competitiveness Compass should help find a way out
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10. 2. 2025 at 10:43
The Competitiveness Compass, now presented by the European Commission, shows where to go to keep the EU strong, innovative and independent. It sets the direction and mentions the main milestones on the road to greater competitiveness. Filip Křenek, Project Coordinator and Analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for

Policy paper | Current EU industrial policy undermines economic convergence between old and new EU countries
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29. 4. 2024 at 16:25
The post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic, joined the European Union at the height of globalisation and the dominance of the so-called Washington Consensus policies. However, the global economic crisis of 2008 showed shortly afterwards that these policies had their limits. Read more in Klára Votavová's Policy Pepeu.

Report: EVs, subsidies and the future of CEE industry
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24. 10. 2023 at 10:25
On October 24, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with OSW organized an expert discussion titled “EVs, subsidies and the future of CEE Industry”. This discussion gathered 16 experts from think-tanks, academia, and experts from the European institutions. This discussion was held under the Chatham House rules.

Finmag: An unequal fight with the USA. Czech industry must turn green to survive
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13. 3. 2023 at 09:50
Relatively unnoticed, in August of last year, the Congress of the United States of America voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This decision may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Inflation Reduction Act is a massive investment package that can fundamentally affect the current approach of Europe and other countries to green transformation.
The transition to clean technologies, research, development, and production, can no longer be perceived purely as a question of reducing emissions, but also as a question of maintaining competitiveness on the global market. The green race has started and the Czech Republic should step up.

Ekonews: Czech industry must turn green to survive, says expert
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6. 3. 2023 at 11:35
Last August, a decision was made that may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Relatively unnoticed, the United States Congress voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. This is a massive investment package that could fundamentally affect the way Europe and other countries have approached the green transformation to date.

Ekonews: Industry will continue to receive part of its emission allowances for free. New allowances for transport and buildings will fall on the people
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20. 12. 2022 at 10:40
The European Union's system for trading the emission allowances that polluters receive or buy to produce greenhouse gases will change. NGOs believe the shift will again benefit industry. Our senior researcher Katerina Davidova commented on the issue for Ekonews.

Hospodářské noviny: Yes, it will be expensive, but we will not avoid the green economy and hesitation only costs us money
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15. 7. 2021 at 11:50
Our Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová wrote an article in Hospodářské noviny about the "Fit for 55" package, which will affect how European energy, transport, agriculture and industry will develop in the coming years.

České zájmy v EU: Czechs do not see the threat of rising prices in European climate policy. They fear the impact on industry
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14. 7. 2021 at 11:40
The survey, which we prepared in cooperation with the STEM Institute, shows that people in the Czech Republic feel threatened by climate change. Three years ago, 44% of citizens considered climate change to be a great danger, compared to 59% in 2020. Our Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on the survey.