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IIR | European Strategic Interests in the Indo-Pacific
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11. 11. 2024 at 11:39
Although Europe's attention in recent years has been completely absorbed by Russia's aggression in Ukraine, many countries, including the Czech Republic, are increasingly interested in diversifying their business opportunities beyond the transatlantic space. We therefore asked experts from the fields of diplomacy, research and business about the potential pitfalls of EU-ASEAN cooperation, security challenges and the success of Czech diplomacy in the Far East. Zuzana Krulichová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, answered for the Institute of International Relations.

The Diplomat | NATO's New Mission: Keep America Engaged, Russia in Check, and China Out
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22. 7. 2024 at 12:00
In an article for the international magazine The Diplomat, Tereza Novotná, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, analyzes NATO's new direction, focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. The alliance aims to keep American engagement, curb Russian aggression, and limit China's influence, with strengthening cooperation with partners like South Korea being crucial for ensuring global stability. The article also includes recommendations for enhancing these relationships.

INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific
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15. 2. 2023 at 16:25
We would like to invite you to a debate "EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Trade relations with the Indo-pacific", which will take place on 21 February at 13:00 online on our Facebook page.

INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes
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25. 1. 2023 at 10:15
We would like to invite you to a debate "EU-Pacific Talks: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes", which will take place on 30 January at 13:00 online on our Facebook page.

INVITATION | EU - Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players
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16. 12. 2022 at 00:00
We would like to invite you to the debate EU-Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 16 at 11:00.

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30. 8. 2022 at 14:25
Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, is a co-author of an article on 9DASHLINE, about Korea's need to cooperate with Taiwan in order to have a credible Indo-Pacific strategy.

Korea on Point: Neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific is the Future: The Prospects and Challenges for EU-Korea Relations under the Yoon Ad
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30. 8. 2022 at 14:15
Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, wrote an article for Korea on Time, where she argues, that from a security perspective, the EU-South Korea partnership has been marked by three key topics: the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, North Korea, and US-China strategic competition. It would be a smart choice for Yoon’s team to continue and expand on the New Southern Policy rather than trying to come up with a new framework. In the end, it will be neither Eastern Europe nor North Korea but the Indo-Pacific which will hold the key to the future of the EU-Korea partnership.

National Convention on the EU: EU relations with the Indo-Pacific region from the perspective of the Czech Republic
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25. 4. 2022 at 15:10
Tereza Novotná, Senior Associate Research Fellow, and Alexandra Visnerova, project manager, prepared a background paper on EU-Indo-Pacific relations from the perspective of the Czech Republic. How will the new geopolitical context resulting from the war in Ukraine affect the Indo-Pacific region, including relations with China, and how should the EU respond? Which other partners should the EU work with and which ones should the Czech Republic focus on as a priority during its EU Council Presidency? Which sectors within the European Indo-Pacific Strategy should the EU focus on most and which should the Czech Republic prioritise during its Presidency of the Council?

Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region
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18. 3. 2022 at 12:05
We would like to invite you to the in person debate called "Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region" which will be held at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Staroměstké náměstí 4/1, Prague (Room "Minuta") on Friday, March 18 at 15:00.