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TV Nova | How does the EU protect consumers?

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4. 6. 2024 at 19:30
The elections to the European Parliament start in the Czech Republic on Friday 7 June. Consumer protection has been one of the issues that have occupied MEPs for the past five years. But the original priority has had to give way to a number of current crises. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova. A revolution on the roads awaits us. Electric cars for 500 thousand crowns will be added

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5. 1. 2022 at 10:50
Our researcher Michal Hrubý summarized the basic information on e-mobility in his article for The price of electric cars is higher, but it seems that more and more affordable cars are in the plans of car companies.

EU MONITOR: The new Slovak government: An exemplary to the rest of the V4 amidst global crises?

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24. 7. 2020 at 11:40
The new direction of the Slovak political scene and the significance of this development within the Visegrad region: that is the topic our Miroslava Pěčková deals with in her latest EU Monitor.
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