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RTVS: Election of the federal president of Germany as a prologue to the parliamentary election
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16. 11. 2016 at 16:50
Michal Vít was a guest of Radiožurnálu on Rádio Slovensko (RTVS) on Wednesday, November 16. Current situation within the government coalition in the context of forthcoming presidential election was addressed.
ČT24: Brexit aftermath talks. Who is missing?
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20. 7. 2016 at 20:00
Michal Vít was a guest on ČT24 the 13th of July. He spoke about the summit on Brexit aftermath, that is to be held at the end of August by Germany, Italy and France, whose president, Francois Hollande, invited the other two European leaders.
ČT24: The UK after Brexit and the future of the EU
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5. 7. 2016 at 15:20
Michal Vít was one of the guests on ČT24 the 4th of July, where he spoke about the situation of the UK after Brexit and the future of the EU.
A View from Central Europe: Germany and V4 moving further apart?
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29. 2. 2016 at 17:35
Our Research fellow Michal Vít was among the three experts that commented some newly essential questions in the first blog of a reshaped ‘A View from Central Europe’ series, published by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI).
Pegida versus Antipegida
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25. 1. 2015 at 16:40
Pediga (protest movement) has recently appeared in the center of public interest. On Wednesday January 21, manifestation of Pediga supporters took place in Leipzig. At the same time, however, their opponents organized a public gathering as well. Michal Vít analyzes the situation in his blog.