French presidential elections
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Berlingske: Can Le Pen make the impossible?
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26. 4. 2017 at 11:10
Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article on the Danish Berlingske about the prospects of Marine Le Pen winning the elections. France is nervous and insecure, says expert Martin Michelot
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23. 4. 2017 at 10:35
Our deputy director Martin Michelot commented for Sprá on the developments of the French presidential race, as the first round takes place today, April 23.

Atlantic Voices | Solidarity Within the Alliance
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23. 4. 2017 at 10:10
Our Martin Michelot authored an article within the ''Atlantic Voices | Solidarity Within the Alliance'' publication, in which he explores the views of the five main candidates in the French presidential elections on defence spending and NATO.

Capital: How false sparks ignite real fires
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22. 4. 2017 at 16:55
Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article for the Bulgarian Capital on the role of fake news within the French elections.

Hospodářské noviny: The French are divided and disappointed. The majority is not going to vote, or will for extremists; says political scientist
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21. 4. 2017 at 10:55
Martin Michelot on the upcoming french election in an interview for Hospodářské noviny.

WP Wiadomości: Wybory prezydenckie we Francji. Kampania umoczonych
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10. 3. 2017 at 15:25
Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article about the French presidential elections on WP Wiadomości.

German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017
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5. 1. 2017 at 16:15
Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot featured, among other experts, in the ''GMF Experts Name the Issues That Will Define the Year'' with his contribution ''France: Navel-Gazing Has Just Begun''.