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168 hodin | EU yes, euro no
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5. 5. 2024 at 21:50
Czech public is afraid of the European currency and politicians listen to their voters. Businesses are calling for the euro the most. Czech crown is disadvantageous for businesses, they lose millions every year due to the constant conversion between the currencies and expensive loans in crowns. But now they have a strong ally. Czech president Petr Pavel has called for accepting euro, as we once pledged to do, on the anniversary of the Czech accession to the EU. But will it be enough? What is the mood in society? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for Czech TV's investigative programme 168 hodin. Czechs don't want czexit. Without the European Union, we would end up like Kaliningrad
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5. 6. 2023 at 10:20
Europeum, in cooperation with the analytical institute STEM, prepared a survey on the subject of the Czech Republic's membership in the EU and the adoption of the euro currency. For E15, researcher Klára Votavová and senior researcher Vít Havelka commented on the topic.

Blog | Utopia or reality? Czech Republic adopting the Euro by 2030
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12. 12. 2022 at 14:05
When will the Czech Republic be ready to adopt the euro, as it committed to when it joined the EU. Why do we not have the euro yet and what will be the impact of its adoption? Our intern Šárka Váchalová covered this topic in her blog.

INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic - when will be the right time?
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6. 12. 2021 at 17:30
By joining the EU, Czechia has committed itself, among other things, to adopt the common European currency - the euro. However, this commitment is not specified in time. Not only whether Czechia is ready for the introduction of the euro will be another of the Café Evropa debates. The debate will take place on Monday 6.12. from 17:30 online on our Facebook.

REPORT: Euro and non-euro countries in the EU after Brexit
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15. 7. 2019 at 12:50
The report from the conference ''Euro and non-euro countries in the EU after Brexit'' is now available.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [České Budějovice]
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15. 2. 2019 at 13:00
We cordially invite you to a debate about the single currency, which will take place on February 28th at 9:45AM in České Budějovice.

REPORT: Path to Euro - Future of the Non-Eurozone Countries
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12. 12. 2018 at 16:45
The report from the debate ''Path to Euro - Future of the Non-Eurozone Countries,'' which took place on December 5, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [Olomouc]
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24. 11. 2018 at 11:15
We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the single currency that will take place on Tuesday, December 4th in at 3PM in Olomouc.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [Most]
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20. 11. 2018 at 10:35
We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the single currency that will take place on Wednesday, November 28th in at 10AM in Most.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [Pilsen]
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29. 10. 2018 at 14:45
We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the single currency that will take place on Tuesday, November 27th in at 12PM in Pilsen.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [Brno]
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29. 10. 2018 at 14:25
We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the single currency that will take place on Monday, November 19th at 11AM in Brno.

INVITATION: Why do the Slovaks like the single currency and the Czechs do not? [Liberec]
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23. 10. 2018 at 15:40
We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the single currency that will take place on Tuesday, November 6 in Liberec.