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ČT24: Evaluation of Frederika Mogherini's visit in Prague

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14. 1. 2016 at 17:25
Studio ČT24 hosted Michal Vít who commented on the main points the vice president of the European Commission addressed during her visit of the Czech Republic.

ČRo Plus: Schengen and European intelligence

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27. 11. 2015 at 10:25
Vladimír Bartovic answers questions on the Schengen area and the European intelligence services.

Is the EU moving closer to Ukraine? Why mutual perceptions matter

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24. 11. 2015 at 10:25
Earlier in November, EUROPEUM had the pleasure to organize a panel discussion on the EU and Ukraine, involving Štefan Füle and Václav Lídl and two distinguished Ukrainian speakers, Oleksii Haran and Maria Zolkina of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF).

ČRo Plus: Malta Summit

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10. 11. 2015 at 18:55
Vladimír Bartovic talks to Czech Radio about the upcoming summit in Valletta.

Invitation: Is the EU moving closer to Ukraine? Why mutual perceptions matter

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27. 10. 2015 at 16:25
Panel discussion on mutual perceptions between Ukraine and the EU and how these affect the relationship between them.

ČT24: Juncker's state of the Union address

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9. 9. 2015 at 17:20
Vladimír Bartovic comments on the state of the Union speech for Czech TV.

Is the Eurozone membership a condition sine qua non for influencing Union's economic policies?

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5. 6. 2015 at 19:15
Panel discussion called "Is the Eurozone membership a condition sine qua non for influencing Union's economic policies? The case study of Visegrad countries".

Does solidarity matter?

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11. 5. 2015 at 11:45
Seminar in the European House on the topic "Does solidarity matter? Solidarity in the EU external relations".

European funds - opportunities and risks

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28. 1. 2015 at 16:20
The Czech republic has been a net recipient ever since it entered the EU in 2004. That means it has been receiving more money than it has been contributing to the EU budget every year.

What is the role of national parliaments in the EU?

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25. 1. 2015 at 14:30
What is the relationship between the national parliaments and the EU? To what extent can the national parliaments influence decision-making in the EU?

Ukraine getting closer to the EU - what will the association agreement bring?

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7. 1. 2015 at 11:40
Seminar with the title "Ukraine getting closer to the EU - what will the association agreement bring?".

EU and USA - Are we catching up with America?

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11. 12. 2014 at 12:55
Another seminar at the European House, this time on the topic of "EU and USA - Are we catching up with America?".
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