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EU enlargement

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Policy Brief | Impacts of Ukraine's accession on the EU and its member states

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9. 1. 2025 at 15:06
Ukraine has been trying to become part of the European Union since the Orange Revolution in 2004, while European decision-makers lacked the political will to continue the enlargement, and the process has been stagnating for many years. All this changed suddenly after the Russian aggression in 2022, after which the accession process accelerated, but now it turned to another extreme: the statements on Ukraine’s quick EU accession became too unrealistic, creating false hopes. Writes Anton Bendarzsevszkij, Director of Oeconomus Economic Research Institute, in his Policy Brief.

Policy Paper | Advancing EU enlargement beyond 2024: Opportunities and challenges ahead

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31. 12. 2024 at 15:14
The year 2024 marked an important moment in the European Union's enlargement process, as it oversaw significant progress, particularly in the case of Ukraine, Moldova and Montenegro, but also persistent challenges in the case of certain countries. This paper analyses the opportunities and challenges in advancing the EU enlargement process after 2024, explores the interlink between EU integration and democratization, enlargement and EU’s internal reform, geostrategic interests and political transformation, and proposes a viable path forward for maintaining the EU’s credibility and influence in the candidate countries.

Blog | Introducing Qualified Majority Voting in the Intermediate Steps of EU Enlargement

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31. 12. 2024 at 10:11
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, European Union (EU) enlargement has gained new momentum, bringing the topic to the forefront of political discussions. This renewed focus highlights the need to strengthen the EU’s geopolitical position and security through enlargement. However, significant challenges remain, particularly regarding the effectiveness and credibility of the current accession process. EUROPEUM Institute intern Šárka Soukupová writes in her blog.

Policy Paper | Illiberalising EU enlargement to the Western Balkans

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30. 12. 2024 at 10:29
The phenomenon of illiberalism, cornerstone to the increasingly popular concept of illiberal democracy, has steadily gained all the more traction in the global policy discussion. In the European Union (EU), the consolidation of majoritarian, nativist leaderships is leading to many Member States’ backtracking on progressive agendas and openly pursuing policies that undermine the rights of minorities and the liberal-democratic system of checks and balances. Writes Alejandro Esteso Pérez, visiting fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

Blog | Reviving ‘the dead provision’: Could QMV save the procedure under Article 7 TEU?

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21. 12. 2024 at 10:42
With the ongoing debate on EU enlargement, the question of Treaty revision to ensure the EU’s actionability in the future is on the table. While some member states believe that the current state of the Treaties is fitting for a Union of 35+ members, others call for Treaty revision before enlargement. In 2022, the European Parliament took the discussion a step further by passing a resolution suggesting far-reaching revisions to the Treaties. Writes Marek Jankovský, an intern at EUROPEUM's Brussels office.

ČRo | Enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans

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18. 12. 2024 at 17:59
Can the European Union accept Kosovo or Serbia into its ranks in the foreseeable future? Is the EU27 not worried enough about financial military support for Ukraine? What can the EU do to support the European car industry? Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute Viktor Daněk commented for Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu.

Debate | The Impact on EU Enlargement and Democracy - Case Studies from V4 Media

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13. 11. 2024 at 09:17
The debate summarises the outcomes of the research conducted in all four V4 countries. Focusing on V4 mainstream media, the four country studies combine both sides of news production and consumption by analysing the narratives about the future of Ukraine vis-à-vis EU accession, but also how news audiences in these four countries reflect on the most frequent topics regarding the image of Ukraine in the EU.

Report | Transforming words into action. How to keep current momentum in EU enlargement?

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25. 10. 2024 at 13:00
On the 3rd of October, Think Visegrad in Brussels, represented by the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, organized a discussion titled "Transforming words into action. How to keep current momentum in EU enlargement?". Experts from think tanks, diplomatic missions and EU institutions dwelled into the renewed focus on EU enlargement, including the initiation of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the formulation of new strategies and financial incentives for candidate states, and reinforced commitments from the EU. The key challenge moving forward is ensuring that this momentum is sustained and translated into concrete, transformative actions that deliver measurable results.

RTS | Moldova before elections and an important referendum - a path to the EU or a return to Moscow's influence?

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19. 10. 2024 at 06:30
The contrast between the old and the new is visible in the streets of Chișinău. Brutalist skyscrapers stand next to places like the Digital Park, a technological hub and symbol of the desire for the modern and innovative. This contrast is also deeply rooted in the political debate about Moldova's identity and future. EUROPEUM Institute analyst Jana Faktor Juzová commented for RTS Serbia.

Courrier des Balkans | Moldova faces two elections for its European future

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17. 10. 2024 at 15:00
Moldova is rushing to the EU, but how fast? Can it stumble? Sunday sees a referendum on enshrining EU membership in the constitution and the first round of presidential elections, in which the pro-EU Maia Sandu will again stake her mandate. There is a long way to go behind these elections. EUROPEUM analyst Jana Faktor Juzová commented for Courrier des Balkans.

Report | Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe

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10. 10. 2024 at 10:00
On September 12th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized a public conference titled “Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe”. Following a keynote speech by H.E. Bálint Ódor, the panel discussions dwelled on the 2004 enlargement, its impacts on the EU and the lessons learned from the process through the perspective of current EU accession of the countries of Western Balkans.

Report | Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?

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9. 10. 2024 at 14:25
On September 26th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized an expert discussion titled “Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?” The debate focused on the potential economic impacts of Ukraine’s accession to the Union, including the EU budget, sectoral policies, energy or critical raw materials. It also evaluated the opportunities for Central European countries and their private sector to strengthen the ties between the two regions. Read the full report below.
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