EU Budget
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EU MONITOR: MFF Negotiations: What Czechs think of the latest development
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18. 12. 2019 at 14:40
In his monitor, Vít Havelka explored the Czech position regarding the latest development in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) negotiations.
Policy paper: The future of EU Finances: New Own Resources
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17. 12. 2019 at 15:25
Markéta Mlčúchová published a policy paper about the reform of EU's budget – and especially its income side – using tools such as Common Consolidated Corporate Taxes, non-recycled plastic packaging waste tax or income from European Emissions Trading System (ETS) auctions.
Hospodářské noviny: Migration is our main topic within the EU, said Andrej Babiš at GLOBSEC. And Schengen has no logic
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18. 5. 2018 at 15:40
Our Martin Michelot was quoted in an article for Hospodářské noviny commenting the speech of Andrej Babiš during the GLOBSEC conference.
European economic governance seen from the V4
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25. 2. 2015 at 12:10
Our Vladimír Bartovic and Radomír Špok co-authored a series of policy briefs within the framework of the „European economic governance seen from the V4” project, supported by the „Standard Grant” Programme of the International Visegrad Fund.