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What are the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the European Parliament elections?
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22. 5. 2019 at 16:05
Our Jana Vlčková explores, in her latest blog, the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the EP elections.

The Secrets of the Trade Secret Directive
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26. 4. 2016 at 15:55
In connection with today’s World Intellectual Property Day, read new blog concerning protection of trade secrets by Brussels office intern Pierre Grangé.

What are the priorities and challenges for the new European Parliament?
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10. 9. 2014 at 14:35
Accept our invitation to seminar dealing with priorities and challenges set for the new EP.

Seminar: How to Understand European Parliament Elections?
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18. 7. 2014 at 16:10
Accept our invitation to seminar which will guide you through the results of EP’s elections.

ČRo: Věra Řiháčková about Czech eurodeputies
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2. 6. 2014 at 10:50
Research fellow Věra Řiháčková was on Czech Radio on June 2. She talked about the European Parliament.

EurActiv.cz: Věra Řiháčková about new European Parliament
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29. 5. 2014 at 11:15
Rerearch fellow Věra Řiháčková expressed her opinion of new eurodeputies.

Conference: National identities in CEE - Reflection of EP election
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28. 5. 2014 at 11:55
Please accept our invitation to an international conference taking place on May 28 from 2pm.

Debate: Elections to European Parliament and campaigning in the Czech Republic: PR or real vision?
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20. 5. 2014 at 13:05
Come debate with political commentators and PR experts about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 - voting advice application
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20. 5. 2014 at 12:35
Try out the voting advice application for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. The application was created with contribution from the team of EUROPEUM.

Lidové noviny: V europarlamentu se nepředřeli. Sobotka s nimi ale problém nemá
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11. 5. 2014 at 14:10
Article published in LN on May 11 deals with Věra Řiháčková's analysis of Czech eurodeputies.

Parlamentní listy: V Bruselu se nepředřeli, ČSSD je znovu posílá do voleb. Těmhle studiím nevěřím, vzkazuje Sobotka
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11. 5. 2014 at 13:50
Article in Parlamentní listy is focusing on the published analysis of Věra Řiháčková.

Seminar: What are the chances of the eurosceptic parties to get to the European Parliament - will it have influence on the future of the EU?
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5. 5. 2014 at 14:55
Accept our invitation to yet another seminar organized in cooperation with EUROPEUM, this time about eurospecticism.