enlargement policy
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Debate | The Impact on EU Enlargement and Democracy - Case Studies from V4 Media
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13. 11. 2024 at 09:17
The debate summarises the outcomes of the research conducted in all four V4 countries. Focusing on V4 mainstream media, the four country studies combine both sides of news production and consumption by analysing the narratives about the future of Ukraine vis-à-vis EU accession, but also how news audiences in these four countries reflect on the most frequent topics regarding the image of Ukraine in the EU.

Analysis | Reinvigorating the EU enlargement policy: Phasing-in as a way to overcome the enlargement impasse
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30. 6. 2023 at 10:20
In this paper, Jana Juzová, together with Žiga Faktor and Constanza Celoria, are providing a comprehensive analysis of the proposals initiated by the think-tank community as well as the current initiatives and discussions at the EU level; they are identifying opportunities and areas where tangible progress can be achieved, and providing recommendations to policymakers on how to turn these concepts into reality in the foreseeable future.