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ČRo: What will this winter be like? Can we survive without russian gas?
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12. 10. 2022 at 10:10
The Czech Republic is not saving enough natural gas. Last year was above average in terms of gas consumption. Moreover, the country is slowly getting into a situation where it is drawing more from its reserves and storing less. How will the Czech Republic cope with the heating season? Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on the topic of natural gas for Czech Radio.

iRozhlas: 'Fresh' first month of the presidency. The Union is relieved that the Czechs have negotiated even a problematic point like gas
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2. 8. 2022 at 09:45
In their article on the current European energy policy, refers to the study Gas in Numbers - European solidarity with gas: where does the Czech Republic stand?, which was prepared for EUROPEUM by our researcher Michal Hrubý. Michal Hrubý also commented in more detail for iRozhlas on the necessity of building energy independence from Russia, reducing annual consumption and Czech interests.