elections 2019
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In divided Cyprus, new tensions in decades-old dispute arise while history is made in the European election
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22. 7. 2019 at 14:50
Our Jiří Lacina explores, in his latest blog, the conflict over natural resources near Cyprus amidst the results of the EP elections

REPORT: Save the European elections
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10. 7. 2019 at 15:15
The report from the project ''Save the European elections'', which we launched together with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Prague this May, is now available.

ELECTIONS COMMENTARIES: Main topics of the upcoming European Elections
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23. 5. 2019 at 19:35
Our experts published a series of commentaries aiming to provide the reader with an overview and general understanding of the context that the upcoming European elections will take place in.

What are the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the European Parliament elections?
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22. 5. 2019 at 16:05
Our Jana Vlčková explores, in her latest blog, the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the EP elections.