Donald Tusk
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STVR | Poland's priority is EU security
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22. 1. 2025 at 19:31
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk presents the priorities of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to MEPs. In January, Warsaw replaced Budapest and is focusing on strengthening the security of the continent. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Slovakian STVR. | Visegrad Group could unite over migration issue
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28. 2. 2024 at 10:00
The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary met in Prague to discuss the war in Ukraine and the future direction of the Visegrad Group. According to Viktor Daňek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, migration will be another possible common topic and Donald Tusk will become one of the most important politicians in Europe in the next years.

ČT24 | V4 summit in Prague brought questions about the groups' necessity
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27. 2. 2024 at 12:05
The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk came to the Prague V4 summit asking whether the Visegrad group is still relevant. Cooperation on a high political level is complicated by the countries' different approaches towards the war in Ukraine. While the Czech Republic and Poland continue to support its interests with the same intensity, Slovakia and Hungary are reassessing them. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the importance of the summit and the relations between Poland and the Czech Republic for ČT24.

Právo | Tusk's death sentence over the V4
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27. 10. 2023 at 19:20
The alliance between the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland is weakening more and more and the possibility of a Donald Tusk's government in Poland will certainly not help the V4 to come together again. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, commented on this topic for the newspaper Právo.

ČT24: Tusk se sejde s Merkelovou a Macronem
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18. 3. 2019 at 15:00
Vít Havelka was talking about the meeting of Donald Tusk with German chancellor Merkel a French president Emmanuel Macron.

ČT24: The EU–China Summit begins in Beijing
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17. 7. 2018 at 11:00
Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for Studio ČT24 the ongoing EU–China Summit and the negotiating positions of the two parties.

ČT24: Commentary on the meeting of Donald Tusk with the European leaders
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7. 10. 2017 at 12:10
Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Studio ČT24, where he commented on the meeting of the President of the European Council Donald Tusk with the representatives of the EU member states

ČRo Radiožurnál: elections for the President of the European Council
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10. 3. 2017 at 16:45
Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Radiožurnál, where he commented on the European summit where the elections for the President of the European Council are held. What meaning has Poland's decision not to support Donald Tusk?

ČT Studio 6: Agreement between Britain and the EU?
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8. 12. 2015 at 09:55
Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic talked on Czech TV about the requests of David Cameron and the likely reactions of Donald Tusk.