See all articles tagged with democracy and discover more interesting topics!
The Festival of Democracy in Vaclav Havel Library: Migration crisis and Western Balkans - Stability vs. Democracy.
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21. 9. 2017 at 15:05
Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the Festival of Democracy at Vaclav Havel Library. Our distinguished guests Michal Vít, Zora Hasová, Zuzana Lenhartová will discuss the following topic: "Migration crisis and Western Balkans - Stability vs. Democracy."

ČT24: Juncker on democracy in EU
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15. 9. 2017 at 17:10
Our director Vladimir Bartovic, in an interview for ČT24, commented on European Commission's and Jean-Claude Juncker's proposals on the improvement of democratic processes in the European Union.

INVITATION: Building Europe through Democratic Processes
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11. 9. 2017 at 10:20
We would like to cordially inviite you on the debate dealing with the issue of EU's democratic legitimacy. The event will take place on Monday 18th of September, 2017 (17:00- 19:00) at Schebek Palace (Politických věznů 936/7, Prague 1).

Newsletter DEMAS 3/2017
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4. 9. 2017 at 14:45
Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

Newsletter DEMAS 2/2017
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22. 6. 2017 at 16:40
Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe
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1. 2. 2017 at 16:05
Our partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies has published a new book titled "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

More Effective EU Democracy Support in the Eastern Partnership
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1. 7. 2016 at 10:20
The intention of this paper, co-authored by Miriam Lexmann, Věra Řiháčková, Márton Ugrósdy and Richard Youngs, is to match political trends within the EaP states to short- and medium-term policy recommendations that the EU should be able to introduce through revisions to its democracy support instruments, mainly within the ENP and ENI reviews.

ČRo Plus: Poland and its domestic and foreign policy
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18. 5. 2016 at 10:35
Michal Vít was on Odpolední Plus today. He talked about the current situation in Poland and its position within the EU.

EU vs. Orbán - Fighting for Democracy within the EU
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22. 4. 2015 at 12:00
Hungary's democracy and rule of law might be threatened by Viktor Orbán's actions. What mechanisms could or should the EU implement to ensure that demoracy of its member state is not jeopardized? Find out in the policy paper written by Zuzana Stuchlíková.