Czech Republic
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EU MONITOR: Czech Republic vis-à-vis climate change: critical dilemmas ahead?
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25. 11. 2019 at 09:45
Our Milan Urbaník is the author of our latest EU monitor on the Czech Republic's relation to climate change. Its aim is to explore where the key dilemmas lay and what trade-offs need to be made in terms of climate change.

INVITATION: Czech voice in the EU - How successful is the Czech Republic in promoting its interests in the EU?
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11. 11. 2019 at 16:05
We are happy to invite you to a debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The event will take place in the European House in Prague on Monday, November 18, from 6 PM.

INVITATION: Café Evropa: The European budget and its future – will we lose the money from the EU?
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11. 11. 2019 at 13:05
Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. This time in Prague on Tuesday, November 26th from 6 PM. Our distinguished guests will discuss the following topic: The European budget and its future - will we lose the money income from the EU?

The transition to low-carbon economy will pay off also in the Czech Republic
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4. 11. 2019 at 11:30
Emission reduction is often presented by some Czech politicians as a threat to our industry. In her latest blog, our Kateřina Davidová explains what opportunities decarbonisation can bring to domestic companies.

INVITATION: What kind of EU do we want in 2025? - Rule of law
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14. 10. 2019 at 14:00
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the discussion on a topic of EU's perception of the rule of law. Citizens in Liberec talked about the EU - What can we expect?
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10. 10. 2019 at 13:00
Director of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM Vladimír Bartovic discussed with citizens of Liberec the topic of being a member state of the European Union. With two other guests, he talked about advantages of the EU membership and also about responsibilities and future development.

INVITATION: 15 + 15 years of freedom
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10. 10. 2019 at 11:45
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Festival of Democracy would like to cordially invite you to the discussion "15 + 15 years of freedom", which takes place on Sunday, October 13th.

INVITATION: Regional Climate Talks - Impacts of climate change in the Czech Republic: what can we do?
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8. 10. 2019 at 13:50
We would like to cordially invite you to the debate organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the UN Information Centre Prague.

INTRODUCTION: Launch of the new website "15 years in the EU"
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28. 9. 2019 at 11:25
This year, it was 15 years since the Czech Republic joined the European Union. To mark this anniversary, EUROPEUM, in cooperation with EACEA in the "Europe for citizens" program, has created a website that reflects on the past 15 years and answers the question of what to expect from the next 15 years in the EU.

Policy paper: Implications of Brexit in EUs Decision Making for the Czech Republic
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23. 9. 2019 at 12:15
What are the possible consequences of Brexit for the Czech Republic's position in the EU? What impact does Brexit have on the European political arena? And what steps could help our country to adapt to new status quo? These are some of the topics discussed in the policy paper prepared by our research fellow Vít Havelka.

Het Financieele Dagblad: Why Czechs do not believe in closer European integration?
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16. 9. 2019 at 11:55
In their series, the Dutch newspaper focuses on local eurosceptic tendencies in the countries of the Visegrad group. Christian Lassen and Vít Havelka commented on the current state of affairs in the Czech Republic.

Café Evropa: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives
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10. 9. 2019 at 14:15
Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. This time in Prague on Monday, September 23rd. Our distinguished guests will discuss the following topic: Impacts of climate change on our everyday lives.