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La Vanguardia: Eastern European countries defend early and drastic action to stop the virus

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4. 5. 2020 at 14:32
Director of our Institute was quoted in La Vanguardia, where he talks about Eastern Europe's reaction to coronavirus crisis.

Analyst A. Lagazzi on Italy's entry into the second phase

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4. 5. 2020 at 11:13
After more than 2 months, people in Italy could return to work. Alexandr Lagazzi spoke on the Italian government's decision to further ease the pandemic restrictions.

Coronavirus in Belgium – beyond the alarming statistics

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4. 5. 2020 at 09:55
Our Zuzana Stuchlíková analyzes in her latest blog COVID-19 situation in Belgium.

INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Economic recovery after the coronavirus – how can EU help?

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30. 4. 2020 at 10:20
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series. Like the previous debate it will be broadcasted online because of anti-coronavirus measures. The debate will focus on the economic recovery after the coronavirus. The debate will take place on Thursday, 7 May.

REPORT: EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis

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27. 4. 2020 at 16:18
The panel discussion titled “EU enlargement during the Coronavirus crisis” was organised by the Think Visegrad in Brussels platform and took place on Thursday, April 23rd 2020. Due to the special circumstances related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the debate was held on the online platform Zoom and broadcasted on the Facebook page of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The panellists focused on the implications of the COVID-19 health crisis on the EU enlargement policy in Western Balkans.

Europeum and COVID-19

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27. 4. 2020 at 11:25
Explore our publications, events and other activities concerning the pandemic and its consequences.

Czech Republic’s Response To The Coronavirus Pandemic: Chaotic Success Story?

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24. 4. 2020 at 11:26
Zuzana Stuchlíková wrote an article for the Robert Schuman Foundation about Czechia's response to COVID-19. The article was published as a part of the series Managing COVID-19, A Journey Through Europe.

EASTERN MONITOR: Western Balkans in the fight against the COVID-19: Another cause for democratic backsliding?

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24. 4. 2020 at 10:30
In her latest Eastern Monitor, Jana Juzová examines the fight of western Balkans countries against the COVID-19.

Brief on COVID-19: WHO under threat? Maintaining multilateralism and global cooperation in times of COVID-19

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23. 4. 2020 at 13:22
In her brief, Danielle Piatkiewicz writes about the need of multilateral and international cooperation when the COVID-19 crisis ends.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic the Hungarian democracy's coup de grace

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23. 4. 2020 at 09:57
In his blog, our intern Filip Sidó writes about the COVID-19 pandemic and democracy in Hungary.

INVITATION: EU± // Europeanisation in the times of corona pandemics (online)

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23. 4. 2020 at 09:47
The corona pandemics has touched all countries in the European Union as well as the European institutions. The live online debate will discuss how the concept of Europeanisation help us understand the current developments in the EU and anticipate the future.

Brief on COVID-19: European integration continues on several fronts as the COVID-19 crisis escalates. Without the Czech Republic

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22. 4. 2020 at 13:17
In his brief, Jiří Lacina explores the impact of COVID-19 on the future development of European integration and the role of Czechia in this development.
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