Central Europe
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What is next for Central and Eastern Europe?
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18. 12. 2018 at 15:45
Vladislava Gubalova, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on future of the CEE countries.

REPORT: New Transatlanticism in Central Europe: The V4 and NATO in Question
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11. 6. 2018 at 15:15
The report from the conference ''New Transatlanticism in Central Europe: The V4 and NATO in Question'', which took place on June 7, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

New CENS publication: Policy Paper on regional cooperation in Central and South Eastern Europe
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6. 6. 2018 at 09:35
In a new CENS publication, our Zuzana Stuchlíková discusses conservatism in the Visegrad Group, particularly the Czech Republic, and the potential of Visegrad as a conservative coalition.

REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe
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3. 5. 2018 at 15:40
On Thursday 19th April, 2018, we organized the fourth event from our project Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe. The report is now available.

INVITATION: Anti EU-rhetoric versus national interests? Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe
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27. 3. 2018 at 11:05
In cooperation with Central European University, GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Austrian Society for European Politics and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences we would like to cordially invite you to the conference on the topic of nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe.

REPORT: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History
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11. 1. 2018 at 16:35
After the launch of the publication "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History", which took place on December 15, 2017 in Bratislava, the book is now available to order!

INVITATION: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History
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5. 12. 2017 at 13:10
We would like to cordially invite you to the public launch of the publication "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History" which will take place on December 15, 2017 in Bratislava.

REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe
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31. 10. 2017 at 18:50
On Thursday 26th of October 2017 we organized a roundtable debate "The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe", from which a report is now available.

Central Europe: The Death of Dreams?
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20. 3. 2017 at 09:25
Michal Kořan, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a Policy Brief on the stance of Central Europe within the European Union from the viewpoint of liberal democracy and its current political leaders.

Central Europe and the rise of nationalism
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2. 2. 2017 at 12:10
Our Michal Vít contributed to the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs' publication titled Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration with a chapter on the broader context of political development of the V4 region in the light of the immigration crisis of 2015 and 2016.

REPORT: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?
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3. 1. 2017 at 15:40
On December 9 we organized, in cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network, an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project. The report summarizing the debate and the issues relating to the V4 countries is now available.

INVITATION: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?
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30. 11. 2016 at 16:10
In cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network we organise on December 9 an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project.