Association Agreement
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Hlavné Správy: Association Agreement can bring more pressure from Russia
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18. 1. 2018 at 15:40
How big is the importance of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement for Ukraine? What is the role of Russia in this case? Nelly Tomčíková and her view for Slovak newspaper Hlavné Správy.

How to lose Russia in 10(0) days: Ukraine’s delicate balance
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13. 10. 2017 at 13:10
Another contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU.

What did Dutch voters really vote against?
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25. 4. 2016 at 13:25
Brussels office intern Pierre Grangé's blog on the results of the Dutch referendum on the Approval Act of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.