Think Visegrad Fellowship

Think Visegrad, funded by the International Visegrad Fund, is a think tank platform for structured dialogue on issues of strategic regional importance. The platform aims to analyze key issues for the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), and provides recommendations to the governments of the V4 countries, the annual presidencies of the Group, and the International Visegrad Fund.
In addition, Think Visegrad provides visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows. Together with other core network think tanks, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy will host one non-V4 expert fellow, who will have the opportunity to take part in the institute’s activities for a period of up to eight weeks. During this period, he or she will be expected to develop a policy paper and deliver one public presentation on a pre-agreed topic. A lump sum of €3,000 will be given to the selected visiting fellow to cover all necessary costs and expenditures related to his or her stay at the hosting institute (e.g. lodging and local transport). He or she will also be responsible for paying all taxes and related fees, including health and social insurance, from this amount. Think Visegrad—V4 Think Tank Platform will cover the cost of travel to the hosting institute for the visiting fellow.
Topics: Fellowships are available in all areas of research in political science, international relations and economics. Chosen topics should complement our research focus, and therefore the applicants are highly recommended to check our website before submitting an application.
Duration: The duration of the fellowship will be of 6 up to 8 weeks.
Eligibility: Expert fellows from non-Visegrad countries with at least five years experience in their field of research are eligible. Preference will be given to applicants who have already made a significant contribution in their field.
Deadline: Application dossiers consisting of the application form, structured CV (including the list of publications) and a motivation letter (maximum 300 words) are to be submitted to by April 27, 2016.
You can find the official application and more details about this project in PDF documents on the right.