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The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe

Project co-organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy focused on an increased cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries.
4. May 2015

Supported by: International Visegrad Fund

Project span: May 2015 – May 2016

Leading organization: Charter'97 Foundation (Belarus) 

Co-operating institutions: Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw, Poland), Freedom Files FoundationEUROPEUM - Institute for European Policy (Prague, Czech Republic), International Centre for Democratic Transition (Budapest, Hungary), M.E.S.A. 10 (Bratislava, Slovakia), Institute for Public Affairs (Bratislava, Slovakia), Centre for Social and Business Initiatives of Yaremche (Ukraine).

Objectives: The project is aimed to promote the EU integration in two countries of EaP – Belarus and Ukraine, to transfer experience accumulated by V4 countries in political and socio-economic areas (reforms, handling with the past), including the successes and failures, and to elaborate the efficient response to the efforts to undermine the process of integration of EaP countries into the EU.

Project activities include analysis and comparison of experiences of V4 and EaP countries, development of policy recommendations, publishing articles and interviews with the project experts.

- Analysis
- Conferences

Supported by:

The International Visegrad Fund


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