Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

List of episodes
Episode 50 - Rising Ocean Levels - Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU (CZ)
- Published 29/6/2023
- Guests: Tatiana Mindek, Bernard Lopez Rios
Episode 49 - The Czech Republic's Views on the EU, Migration and the Rule of Law - On Sustainable Finance with Julian Toth (CZ)
- Published: 20/6/2023
- Guests: Jaromír Mazák, Julián Tóth
Episode 48 - Ukraine's Grain in the EU - Turkey's Presidential Election Run-off with Ziga Faktor (CZ)
- Published: 25/5/2023
- Guest: Ziga Faktor
Episode 47 - Climate packages in the European Parliament - About the Czech delegation to Taiwan and relations with China (CZ)
- Published: 25/4/2023
- Guests: Rebeka Hengalová, Zdeněk Beránek
Episode 46 - Supporting Industry and Automotive Transport in the EU - Career and EU News with Eva Horelová (CZ)
Published: 3/28/2023
Guests: Eva Horelová, Michal Hrubý
Episode 45 - Disinformation in the Czech Information Sphere - 1st Anniversary of the War in Ukraine (CZ)
- Published: February 28
- Guests: Kristína Šefčíková, Tatiana Mindeková, Jana Juzová
Episode 44 - New President of the Czech Republic - Swedish Presidency of the Council of Europe (CZ)
- Published: January 31
- Guests: Martin Vokálek, Martin Severýn
Episode 43 - Which EU events will we be watching in 2023? (CZ)
- Published: December 21
- Guests: Žiga Faktor
Episode 42 - COP27 Climate Conference - Current trends in electromobility
- Published: December 14
- Guests: Kateřina Davidová, Lukáš Folbrecht
Episode 41 - New Tensions in Europe's Relations with the US - The Economic Situation and Fiscal Responsibility in Europe
- Published: December 2
- Guests: Michal Hrubý, Stanislav Šaroch
Episode 40 - Presidential elections in Brazil - 30 years of the EU Single Market
- Published: November 18
- Guests: Radek Buben, Václav Šmejkal
Episode 39 - Introduction to the functioning of energy markets - How does the EU plan to protect media independence?
- Published: October 25
- Guests: Michal Hrubý, Martin Vokálek, Monika Ladmanová
Episode 38 - Political turmoil in the UK - EU and European political community leaders meet
- Published: October 11
- Guests: Jan Váška, Žiga Faktor, Michal Hrubý
Episode 37 - Changing the vote in the EU Council - The future of enlargement
- Published: September 27
- Guests: Žiga Faktor, Vít Havelka, Jana Juzová
Episode 36 - Gas crisis in Europe - Regional coalitions in Central Europe
- Published: September 13
- Guests: Michal Hrubý, Kristína Chlebáková, Žiga Faktor, Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka
Episode 35 - European Citizens' Initiative
- Published: August 8
- Guest: Vladimír Bartovic
Episode 34 - Work in Progress: Can the EU finally push for the adoption of the Migration Pact?
- Published: July 26
- Guest: Christian Kvorning Lassen, EUROPEUM's Deputy Director & Head of Research
Two years after the European Commission presented its New Pact on Migration and Asylum, package aimed at reforming both internal and external dimensions of this policy, French presidency finally achieved minor successes in the adoption of the proposed legislation. Moreover, wave of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine seemed to provide a new momentum to unlock the veto of certain countries. What actually is EU's Common Asylum System? Did the war in Ukraine redefine position of Member States in this area? And can the Czech presidency follow up on the progress in the adoption of Migration Pact?
Episode 33 - The Prospect of Ukraine's EU Membership - Reality or Utopia?
- Published: May 3
- Guests: Vít Havelka, Jana Juzová
Episode 32 - Conference on the Future of Europe: Will it change the way the EU works or will it remain a shadow of great ambitions?
- Published: January 11
- Guest: Zuzana Stuchlíková
Episode 31 - EU-Eastern Partnership Summit: A Promise for Future Deepening Relations?
- Published: December 23
- Guest: Věra Řiháčková Pachta
Episode 30 - The threat of further Russian aggression in Ukraine?
- Published: December 16
- Guest: Zdeněk Beránek
Episode 29 - Refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border as a tool of pressure on the EU
- Published: December 1
- Guest: Vít Novotný
Episode 28: Glasgow Climate Conference - Can we expect changes in the fight against global warming after COP-26?
- Published: November 22
- Guest: Kateřina Davidová
Episode 27: New START Treaty: Does the European Union have a chance to influence the shape of the new version of the Treaty?
- Published: October 25
- Host: Juraj Sýkora
Episode 26: The impact of elections on the postition of the Czech republic in the EU [CZ]
- Published: October 11
- Guest: Vít Havelka
Episode 25: Decarbonization of the automotive industry and electromobility. What is new and what does it mean for the Czechia? [CZ]
- Published: September 27
- Guest: Michal Hrubý
Episode 24: Repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters. Is there a common European approach?
- Published: August 8
- Guest: Asya Metodieva
Episode 23: How can the project Carbon Capture and Storage help with the lowering of carbon emissions?
- Published: July 5
- Guest: Michal Hrubý
Episode 22: 30 years since the inception of wars in the former Yugoslavia and their impact on the Western Balkan countries
- Published: June 21
- Guest: Jana Juzová, Petr Čermák
Episode 21: Legacy of Angela Merkel: how did she change Germany and is the country ready for her departure?
- Published: May 31
- Guest: Zuzana Lizcová, Institute of International Studies of the Faculty of social sciences, Charles University
Episode 20: Seventeen years since the Czech Republic's entrance into the EU
- Published: May 10
- Guest: Štěpán Černý, director of the European Policy Coordination Department at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Episode 19: Slovenian prime minister in the spotlight - an attempt to change borders in Balkans?
- Published: April 26
- Guest: Tereza Masopustová, Office Manager of the EUROPEUM, Žiga Faktor, Head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM
Episode 18: Against the oppression of the Uighurs: How to understand the current dispute between the EU and China? [CZ/SK]
- Published: April 12
- Guests: Matej Šimalčík, Analyst at MapInfluenCE and Director of think tank Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) in Bratislava
Episode 17: Side effect of the Russian vaccine: the fall of the Slovak government? [CZ/SK]
- Published: March 29
- Guests: Miroslava Pisklová, Project manager at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 16: How does the Czech Republic intend to use money from the European fund for post-pandemic recovery? [CZ]
- Published: March 15
- Guests: Vít Havelka, Research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 15: EU-Russia relations under strain: Geopolitics, Navalnyj and the upcoming elections [CZ]
- Published: March 1
- Guests: Pavel Havlíček, Researcher at AMO
Episode 14: Economy vs. Security: What is the future of the EU and China's relationship? [CZ]
- Published: February 15
- Guests: Alexandr Lagazzi, Associate research fellow of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 13: Conference on the Future of Europe [CZ]
- Published: February 1
- Guests: Zuzana Stuchlíková, Associate research fellow of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 12: What to expect in 2021? [CZ]
- Published: December 31
- Guests: Vladimír Bartovic, Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka, and Kateřina Davidová, researchers at EUROPEUM
Episode 11: The New Sheriff at the White House: What to Expect from Joe Biden? [CZ]
- Published: November 10
- Guest: Jiří Pehe, Director of the University of New York in Prague and political commentator
Episode 10: Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: How to resume EU-Turkey dialogue? [CZ]
- Published: October 28
- Guest: Jana Juzová, Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute of European Policy
Episode 9: Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia: Has the West found common ground? [CZ]
- Published: October 8
- Guests: Jana Juzová, Researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, together with Janina Hřebíčková, Special Representative for the Western Balkans from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Episode 8: Dance with the bear: Will Putin maintain his "friend" Lukashenko in power? [CZ]
- Published: 22 September 2020
- Guest: Pavel Havlíček, Researcher at AMO
Episode 7: A tale of two elections: US elections in review [English]
- Published: 8 September 2020
- Guest: Danielle Piatkiewicz, Research Fellow focusing on issues around Transatlantic and Central and Eastern European security, NATO and Eastern Partnership
The Democratic and Republican National Conventions have just wrapped up and so far have painted two stark and very different pictures of America. One has encompassed diversity, plurality, and normalcy, the other one focused on divisive issues and painted a distorted and polarized reality.
Our Deputy Director Christian Kvorning Lassen and Research Fellow and resident American, Danielle Piatkiewicz, discussed the differences between the two with regards to key foreign policy and domestic issues, while also having a free-wheeling more philosophical discussion about the state of the US and what the future might hold.
Episode 6: What are the possibilities for study stays and internships? [CZ]
- Published: 26 June 2020
- Guest: Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 5: The first steps of the new Slovak government [CZ]
- Published: 27 May 2020
- Guest: Vladimír Bartovic, Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 4: European Green Deal [CZ]
- Published: 11 May 2020
- Guest: Kateřina Davidová, Research Fellow, her research focuses on issues related to climate change and energy
Episode 3: European Union budget negotiations [CZ]
- Published: 29 April 2020
- Guest: Vít Havelka, Research Fellow, who focuses on institutional relations of the EU and its member states, the EU budget, Europeanisation, and the transformative power of the EU
Episode 2: European Union's reaction to coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 [CZ]
- Published: 13 April 2020
- Guest: Zuzana Stuchlíková, Head of Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Episode 1: Opening of EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania [CZ]
- Published: 30 March 2020
- Guest: Jana Juzová, Research Fellow focused on democratization and European integration of the Western Balkan countries, and EU enlargement
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