Strengthening the security of independent journalists and activists in the Crimea and Donbas and support of dissemination of information in critical regions of
Project is implemented in cooperation with Internews Ukraine and supported by the Program of Transformation Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
12. August 2016

Project Managers: Eva Rybkova, Vera Rihackova
Timeframe: January - December 2016
The project responds to the current political developments in Ukraine - primarily consequences of war in the Donbas and continued occupation of Crimea. The main objective of the project is to provide support for independent media and support dissemination of information by active citizens working in the occupied territories of Ukraine (Donbas, Crimea), namely, strengthening their security, providing legal support in the Russian media law and reducing the isolation of the local media.
Partners: Internews Ukraine
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic