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Podcasts by EUROPEUM

Podcasts by EUROPEUM offer debates and interviews concerning European topics including projects Prague Climate Talks, EU±, and EU-Pacific Talks. You can find a full list of episodes and information on where to listen to the podcast is available in an article.
21. September 2022

1. Jakou chceme EU v roce 2025 - Evropská obrana

  • The debate took place on 8.9.2021. 

2. Prague Climate Talks: Klima jako volební téma: Česko vs. Německo

  • The debate took place on 9.9.2021.

3. EU-PACIFIC Talks: China: Friend or Foe? China's growing influence and its impact on the EU

  • The debate took place on 21.9.2021.

4. České předsednictví v Radě EU 2022 – Předvolební debata

  • The debate took place on 21.9.2021.

5. Prague Climate Talks: COP26: Co můžeme očekávat?

  • The debate took place on 5.10.2021.

6. EU± Je V4 nejdůležitějším českým spojencem v EU?

  • The debate took place on 18.10. 2021.

7. EU-Pacific Talks: EU - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: Strengthening economic ties as a way out of recession

  • The debate took place on 26.10. 2021.

8. EU politika 2020/21 - co se událo, co se změnilo a co jsme se naučili?

  • The debate took place on 3.11. 2021.

9. EU± // 20 let spojenecké mise v Afghánistánu - jaká ponaučení z ní vyplývají pro NATO a EU?

  • The debate took place on 4.11. 2021.

10. EU± // Evropská politika nové vlády

  • The debate took place on 25.11. 2021.

11. EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU - Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

  • The debate took place on 1.12. 2021.

12. České předsednictví v Radě EU - jaké doprovodné a propagační akce se chystají?

  • The debate took place on 2.12. 2021.

13. EU± // Rok 2021 v Evropské unii

  • The debate took place on 20.12. 2021.

14. EU-PACIFIC Talks: Japan - V4 relations - more central but still European

  • The debate took place on 11.1. 2022.

15. EU-PACIFIC Talks: U.S. - Japan relations - new leaders, new chance to restore the old relationship

  • The debate took place on 15.2. 2022.

16. EU-PACIFIC Talks: H2-Hydrogen Hype

  • The debate took place on 17.3. 2022. 

17. EU± // Evropská unie a multipolární svět po válce na Ukrajině

  • The debate took place on 23.3. 2022.

18. EU± // Evropská digitální agenda 

  • The debate took place on 25.5. 2022.

19. EU± // Klima v Evropském parlamentu – výhled pro české předsednictví

  • The debate took place on 14.6. 2022.

20. EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU - ASEAN relations: For better and for worse

  • The debate took place on 27. 9. 2022.

21. EU± // Italské volby  tragédie nebo příslib do budoucna?

  • The debate took place on 11. 10. 2022.

22. EU± // Energetická krize v Evropské unii

  • The debate took place on 1. 11. 2022.

22. EU± // Vliv amerických voleb na vztahy s Evropou

  • The debate took place on 22. 11. 2022.


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