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EuropaSecura 2016

We are proud to announce 9th year of team competition EuropaSecura designed for high school students interested in security and role of NATO and EU in the world.
3. March 2016

EuropaSecura is a team competition targeting on matters connected with world security. Students therefore have a unique opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in the field, try working in a team and compete with their peers for trip to Brussels and much more. The competition itself is composed of multiple phases – starting with first round at the end of March, continuing with regional round in April and May and finishing up with state round at the end of June. EuropSecura is co-organized by EUROPEUM, Eurocentres, Representation of European Commission in the Czech Republic, Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and Czech Army. High school teams are encouraged to apply before March 28 since the applications close at midnight. For more information, including the application, click here

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