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Celebrating 25 Years of Czech Republic’s NATO Accession

This project aims to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s NATO accession, which occurred on March 12, 1999. Anchored in the historic context of NATO’s formation on April 4, 1949, the primary goals of the campaign are to celebrate this significant milestone, effectively communicate the tangible benefits of Czech NATO membership to the public and cultivate a deeper understanding of NATO and U.S.’s pivotal role in safeguarding the nations and Central and Eastern European security. Additionally, the project’s goal is to underscore the strength and benefits of the U.S.-Czech partnership.
31. December 2025

In this initiative, the primary focus of the organizers is on fostering public engagement across the regions of the Czech Republic. We envision orchestrating four public debates in regions, specifically targeting those with a lower level of awareness regarding the U.S. and its role in NATO. Additionally, we plan to conduct three workshops at Czech high schools, with NATO as a success story serving as the overarching theme. The organizers aim to align this project with our existing endeavour, EuropaSecura, which is a long-standing and unique educational project for high school students across the whole Czech Republic interested in security and international politics. These discussions, revolving around the NATO anniversary will be pivotal. To complement these efforts, two policy publications will be meticulously prepared and widely disseminated.

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