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PRESS RELEASE: Take the Initiative

6 new European Citizens' Initiatives need your support! The European Citizens' Initiative is a tool for participatory democracy, which aims to bring together the citizens of the European Union and give them the opportunity to influence issues that directly affect their lives.
3. October 2018

The European Citizens' Initiative is an unique and innovative way for citizens to shape Europe by calling on the European Commission to make a legislative proposal. Once an initiative gathers 1 million signatures, the Commission decides on what follow-up action to take.

If you want to learn more about the European Citizens' Initiative, join us for a half-day knowledge-sharing workshop European Citizenship Initiative as a tool for shaping Europe which will take place on Friday 5 October from 8:30 to 12:30 in the European House as a part of Festival of Democracy.

Register for the workshop here.

For more information, please visit Facebook or EC’s website.

The entire press release is available in Czech language in the PDF format on the right side of the article.

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