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EUROCENTRUM: Coalition forming in the 'post-Brexit' EU

Eurocentrum Prague is hosting an event on November 8th in the European House. The topic of the seminar is post-Brexit coalition forming in the EU.
5. November 2018

Eurocentrum Prague is hosting an event on November 8th in the European House. The topic of the seminar is post-Brexit coalition forming in the EU.

The venue for the event is European House/Evropský dům (Jungmannova 24, Prague 1) on November 8th at 5pm.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Zuzana Kasáková, Executive Council of the Dean, Department of European Studies - Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
  • Kryštof Kruliš, Research Fellow, Association for International Affairs

Registration for this event can be done here at Eurocentrum Prague website. The event is also available on Facebook.

Please note that the language of the event is Czech.


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