Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2021

Application dossiers consisting of the application form (can be found on the right side in a form of Word document), structured CV (including the list of publications) and a motivation letter (maximum 300 words) are to be submitted to by August 15, 2021.
For more information please visit:
Think Visegrad is a think tank platform for structured dialogue on issues of strategic regional importance. The platform aims to analyze key issues for the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), and provides recommendations to the governments of Visegrad Group (V4) countries, the annual presidencies of the Group, and the International Visegrad Fund. In addition, Think Visegrad provides visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows. Think Visegrad was established in 2012 by eight V4 think tanks with coordinating abilities. This so-called core network, however, remains open to cooperation with other think-tanks from all V4 countries. Think Visegrad is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.