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Job offer: International Sustainable Finance Centre - Head of Projects and Internship

The ISFC (reasearch and learning centre and sister organisation of EUROPEUM) is looking to hire new colleagues for the Head of Projects and Internship positions.
1. July 2020

The principal responsibilities & qualifications for both offered positions can be found in the attached PDFs (on the right).

To apply, please email and send us your CV and a short (one page) cover letter before July 12, 2020. Put "ISFC - Head of Projects Application" or "ISFC - Internship application" (depending on what position you would like to apply for) in the email subject line.

The International Sustainable Finance Centre (ISFC) is an independent, apolitical non-profit think tank whose aim is to carry out cutting edge, in-depth research on sustainability and sustainable finance topics. The centre uses expert insight and practical policy solutions to inform public debate and policymaking on sustainable finance, while also helping to build local expertise and capacity on a range of topics, which include the EU’s Green Deal, its Sustainable Finance Agenda and post-COVID-19 recovery packages.


You can find out more about ISFC on its website.

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